- Custom Speech-to-text support on Godot engine for Android, similar to Godot-SpeechToText, but without the Google's default pop-up UI and beeps.
- Godot version 2.0 stable.
- Copyright TeamKrishna
- Demonstrates usage of runOnUiThread()
- Works perfectly on lollipop. Leaves a small beep trace after listening is done on kitkat (#TODO)
##How to use
Drop the customspeech folder inside godot/modules
Move the customspeech/GodotCustomSpeech.java to godot/platform/android/java/src/org/godotengine/godot
Import the speechtest example project in Godot for a test run [ Not a great UI. Just functionality demonstration ]
Note: The speechtotext/android.jar is taken from android-sdk-linux/platforms/android-22. You may choose to use any other api version.
- #> scons platform=android
- cd godot/platform/android/java
- #> ./gradlew build
- The resulting apk will be available at godot/platform/android/java/build/outputs/apk
###Configure Add the following in the engine.cfg file:
Use them in the script:
var singleton = Globals.get_singleton("GodotCustomSpeech")
singleton.doListen() # opens up the mic ui singleton.getWords() # gets the strings of words
###Build the game apk From the settings of the godot engine UI:
Custom Package (Debug/Release):
Point to the newly built apk
Permission check: RecordAudio,Modify Audio Settings
####License MIT
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