A type-safe HTTP client for Android, based on okcronet.
Similar to Retrofit, this is a wrapper for okcronet. Usage is consistent with Retrofit.
Even low-cost migration can be achieved by simply replacing the corresponding "import" reference.
- Extensibility: msnet allows you to extend its functionality using interceptors implemented with OkCronet, such as adding new protocol support or customizing network behavior.
- Completeness: msnet provides a complete HTTP3/QUIC solution, including support for QUIC connection migration.
- Ease of use: msnet's usage is consistent with Retrofit, making it easy for developers to migrate.
Reference link - android develop
- Create interface
interface Api {
fun todayCall(): Call<ResponseBody>
suspend fun todayResponse(): Response<ResponseBody>
- Make a request
// Create CronetClient
val cronetClient = CronetClient.Builder(cronetEngine).build()
// Create msnet
val msnet = MSNet.Builder()
// Get interface
val api = msnet.create<Api>()
// Request network to get results
val response = api.todayResponse()
// Output results
println("Result: ${response.isSuccessful} \n ${response.body()?.string()}")
- Do not use caching -
- Request priority
Just replace the reference globally
mac global replacement shortcut keys:shift + command + R
Shrinking and obfuscation rules are automatically included.