This is an unofficial copy of the original BitTorrent source code by Bram Cohen and contributors.
It was taken from the CVS repo hosted on Sourceforge, and converted using cvs2git.
- earliest revision on Sep 21, 2001.
- one of the earliest files shared, as part of the docs, is this piece of Jazz Fusion called Mercy Mercy Mercy.
- some clear inspiration taken from Lisp, for the BEncode wire format.
BitTorrent was first released in July 2001. It's still going over 20 years later, and so I wanted to read the original source code for the 0.1, which was written in Python.
I couldn't find it online, although one StackOverflow post suggested you could find the old releases on SourceForge for 0.3. Unfortunately it doesn't appear that this repository contains the v0.1 code, though it does have commits going back to Sep 21, 2001, which is only a few months after his first release.