VS Code on Goolge Colabs.
A jupyter notebook to help you host your own VS CODE web dev envirement on Google Colabs.
You may use this as a free flixible altenative to other existing solution such as Goitpod, CodesanDbox that provide in browser dev envirements.
The idea is simple, and can be resumed in these following points:
- Install VS CODE SERVER on a Google colab instance.
- Expose the code server to the internet using Ngrok.
All you need to do to get going is to:
- Import this Notebook to yout Google colaboratory account.
- Set some basic configuration found at the top of the Notebook and run the Notebook(see screenshot 01).
**note: you can find the public URL(s) (and the Password) to your VS CODE envirement at the bottom of the Notebook (see screenshot 02)
Result cell:
VS CODE SERVER login screen:
VS CODE SERVER on Goole colab:
Experiment by Belghit Ismail 😃.