- .NET Core SDK (
- SQL Server or PostgreSQL or MySql
ASP.NET MVC Core 1.0.1 on .NET Core 1.0.1
Entity Framework Core 1.0.1
ASP.NET Identity Core 1.0
Autofac 4.0.0
AutoMapper 5.2.0
CacheManager 0.9.2
Hangfire 1.6.5
Audit.NET 4.5.6
SaasKit 1.1.*
EFSecondLevelCache.Core 1.0.2
Bootstrap v3.3.4
MediatR for domain event
- dotnet publish -r win10-x64
- dotnet publish -r ubuntu.14.04-x64
- Report bugs or suggest features by create new issues or add comments to issues
- Pickup an issue, create your own branch and implement it, then submit a Merge Request when you finished the implemntation and testing
- Remember to fix all the StyleCop violations before submit a Merge Request
SimpleFramework is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
- 系统名称:SimpleFramework
- 系统作者:疯狂蚂蚁
- 团队名称:蚂蚁兵团
- 欢迎你加入我们,开源让我们进步,开源让我们开阔视野.
- 加入基础功能管理界面:机构管理、部门管理、角色管理、岗位管理、职位管理、用户组管理、用户管理、功能菜单、字典管理、行政区域、单据编号、系统日志、插件管理
- 集成IdentityServer4 扩展多租户,多系统授权登陆