The premiere video course for building production, server-side rendered applications with Next.js and React. Companies all over the world are using Next.js to build performant, scalable applications. This course will teach you the skills necessary to build best-in-class React applications.
- Classes vs Functional Components
- Props & State
- React Hooks
- ES6
- Link (client-side routing)
- withRouter
- getInitialProps
- Retrieving data from URLs
- CSS (Importing & Using)
- Sass
- CSS-in-JS (Custom _app.js)
- Styled-Components
- Responsive + Mobile-First Design
- MDX vs CMS
- Initial Setup
- Managing Posts
- Building Forms (StaticKit)
- Using a Component Library (Theme UI)
- Static Sites with Next.js 9.3
- Custom Server
- Node.js & API Routes
- GraphQL (daydrink)
- Hasura (daydrink)
- See /resources.