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wip: heuristically render Markdown in docstrings
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david-christiansen committed Dec 17, 2024
1 parent b4623a7 commit b5cdcbf
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Showing 7 changed files with 266 additions and 41 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions doc/UsersGuide/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,6 +53,16 @@ results in

{docstring List.forM}

## More Docstring Examples

{docstring String}

{docstring Subtype}

{docstring OfNat}

{docstring Monad}

# Index
number := false
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/verso-manual/VersoManual.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ def page (toc : List Html.Toc) (path : Path) (textTitle : String) (htmlTitle con
(extraJsFiles := config.extraJs.toArray ++ ("/-verso-js/" ++ ·.1))

def Config.relativize (config : Config) (path : Path) (html : Html) : Html :=
if let some _ := config.baseURL then
if config.baseURL.isSome then
-- Make all absolute URLS be relative to the site root, because that'll make them `base`-relative
Html.relativize #[] html
Expand Down
221 changes: 198 additions & 23 deletions src/verso-manual/VersoManual/Docstring.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -352,6 +352,14 @@ def docstring (name : Name) (declType : Docstring.DeclType) (signature : Option
name := `Verso.Genre.Manual.Block.docstring
data := ToJson.toJson (name, declType, signature)

def docstringSection (header : String) : Block where
name := `Verso.Genre.Manual.Block.docstringSection
data := ToJson.toJson header

def internalSignature (name : Highlighted) (signature : Option Highlighted) : Block where
name := `Verso.Genre.Manual.Block.internalSignature
data := ToJson.toJson (name, signature)

end Block

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -470,6 +478,21 @@ def docstringStyle := r#"
padding-right: 1rem;
.namedocs .subdocs .name-and-type {
font-size: 1rem;
margin-left: 0;
margin-top: 0;
margin-right: 0;
margin-bottom: 0.5rem;
.namedocs .subdocs .docs {
margin-left: 1.5rem;
margin-top: 0;
margin-right: 0;
margin-bottom: 0.5rem;
.namedocs:has(input[data-parent-idx]) tr[data-inherited-from] {
transition-property: opacity, display;
transition-duration: 0.4s;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -498,6 +521,46 @@ where

open Verso.Genre.Manual.Markdown in
@[block_extension Block.docstringSection]
def docstringSection.descr : BlockDescr where
traverse _ _ _ := pure none
toTeX := none
toHtml := some fun _goI goB _id info contents =>
open Verso.Doc.Html HtmlT in
open Verso.Output Html in do
let .ok header := FromJson.fromJson? (α := String) info
| do Verso.Doc.Html.HtmlT.logError "Failed to deserialize docstring section data while generating HTML"; pure .empty
return {{
{{← contents.mapM goB}}

open Verso.Genre.Manual.Markdown in
@[block_extension Block.internalSignature]
def internalSignature.descr : BlockDescr where
traverse _ _ _ := pure none
toTeX := some fun _goI goB _id _ contents => contents.mapM goB -- TODO
toHtml := some fun _goI goB _id info contents =>
open Verso.Doc.Html HtmlT in
open Verso.Output Html in do
let .ok (name, signature) := FromJson.fromJson? (α := Highlighted × Option Highlighted) info
| do Verso.Doc.Html.HtmlT.logError "Failed to deserialize docstring section data while generating HTML"; pure .empty
return {{
<section class="subdocs">
<pre class="name-and-type hl lean">
{{← name.toHtml}}
{{← if let some s := signature then do
pure {{" : " {{← s.toHtml}} }}
else pure .empty}}
<div class="docs">
{{← contents.mapM goB}}

open Verso.Genre.Manual.Markdown in
@[block_extension Block.docstring]
def docstring.descr : BlockDescr where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -601,22 +664,8 @@ where
let ctorRow ←
if isPrivateName then
pure Html.empty
else pure {{
<h1>{{if isClass then "Instance Constructor" else "Constructor"}}</h1>
<tr><td><code class="hl lean inline">{{← ctor.hlName.toHtml}}</code></td></tr>
{{ ← if let some d := ctor.docstring? then do
pure {{<tr><td>{{← md2html goB d}}</td></tr>}}
else pure Html.empty
let infos := infos.filter (·.subobject?.isNone)
pure {{
{{ ctorRow }}
{{ parentRow }}
<h1>{{if isClass then "Methods" else "Fields"}}</h1>
<table class={{if isClass then "methods" else "fields"}}>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -700,22 +749,132 @@ where
modify (·.saveDomainObject docstringDomain name.toString id)

open Verso.Doc.Elab

def leanFromMarkdown := ()

def Inline.leanFromMarkdown (hls : Highlighted) : Inline where
name := ``Verso.Genre.Manual.leanFromMarkdown
data := ToJson.toJson hls

@[inline_extension leanFromMarkdown]
def leanFromMarkdown.inlinedescr : InlineDescr where
traverse id data _ := pure none
toTeX :=
some <| fun go _ _ content => do
pure <| .seq <| ← content.mapM fun b => do
pure <| .seq #[← go b, .raw "\n"]
extraCss := [highlightingStyle]
extraJs := [highlightingJs]
extraJsFiles := [("popper.js", popper), ("tippy.js", tippy)]
extraCssFiles := [("tippy-border.css", tippy.border.css)]
toHtml :=
open Verso.Output Html in
open Verso.Doc.Html in
some <| fun _ _ data _ => do
match FromJson.fromJson? data with
| .error err =>
HtmlT.logError <| "Couldn't deserialize Lean code while rendering inline HTML: " ++ err
pure .empty
| .ok (hl : Highlighted) =>
hl.inlineHtml "docstring-examples"

open Lean Elab Term in
def tryElabInlineCodeTerm (decl : Name) (str : String) : DocElabM Term := do
dbg_trace "HELLO! {decl} |{str}|"

match Parser.runParserCategory (← getEnv) `term str s!"<docstring of {decl}>" with
| .error e => throw (.error (← getRef) e)
| .ok stx =>
dbg_trace "PARSED |{stx}|"
let (newMsgs, tree) ← do
let initMsgs ← Core.getMessageLog
-- TODO open decls/current namespace
let tree' ← fun _ => do
dbg_trace "Gonna elab..."
let e ← Elab.Term.elabTerm (catchExPostpone := true) stx none
dbg_trace "ELAB'ED! |{e}|"
let e' ← Term.levelMVarToParam (← instantiateMVars e)
let e' ← instantiateMVars e'
dbg_trace "ELAB'ED MORE! |{e'}|"
let ctx := PartialContextInfo.commandCtx {
env := ← getEnv, fileMap := ← getFileMap, mctx := ← getMCtx, currNamespace := ← getCurrNamespace,
openDecls := ← getOpenDecls, options := ← getOptions, ngen := ← getNGen
pure <| InfoTree.context ctx (.node (Info.ofCommandInfo ⟨`Verso.Genre.Manual.docstring, (← getRef)⟩) (← getInfoState).trees)
pure (← Core.getMessageLog, tree')
Core.setMessageLog initMsgs
if newMsgs.hasErrors then
for msg in newMsgs.errorsToWarnings.toArray do
logMessage msg

let hls := (← highlight stx #[] (PersistentArray.empty.push tree))

logInfoAt (← getRef) stx

``(Verso.Doc.Inline.other (Inline.leanFromMarkdown $(quote hls)) #[Verso.Doc.Inline.code $(quote str)])

open Lean Elab Term in
def tryElabInlineCodeName (_decl : Name) (str : String) : DocElabM Term := do
let str := str.trim
let x := str.toName
if x.toString == str then
let stx := mkIdent x
let n ← realizeGlobalConstNoOverload stx
let hl : Highlighted ← constTok n str
``(Verso.Doc.Inline.other (Inline.leanFromMarkdown $(quote hl)) #[Verso.Doc.Inline.code $(quote str)])
throwError "Not a name: '{str}'"
constTok {m} [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadLiftT MetaM m] [MonadLiftT IO m]
(name : Name) (str : String) :
m Highlighted := do
let docs ← findDocString? (← getEnv) name
let sig := toString (← (PrettyPrinter.ppSignature name)).1
pure <| .token ⟨.const name sig docs false, str⟩

open Lean Elab Term in
def tryElabInlineCode (decl : Name) (str : String) : DocElabM Term := do
-- This brings the parameters into scope, so the term elaboration version catches them!
Meta.forallTelescopeReducing (← getConstInfo decl).type fun _ _ =>
tryElabInlineCodeName decl str <|>
tryElabInlineCodeTerm decl str
| .error ref e =>
logWarningAt ref e
``(Verso.Doc.Inline.code $(quote str))
| e =>
logWarning m!"Internal exception uncaught: {e.toMessageData}"
``(Verso.Doc.Inline.code $(quote str))

def blockFromMarkdownWithLean (name : Name) (b : MD4Lean.Block) : DocElabM Term :=
Markdown.blockFromMarkdown b
(handleHeaders := Markdown.strongEmphHeaders)
(elabInlineCode := tryElabInlineCode name)

@[block_role_expander docstring]
def docstring : BlockRoleExpander
| args, #[] => do
match args with
| #[.anon (.name x)] =>
let name ← Elab.realizeGlobalConstNoOverloadWithInfo x (← getRef) name.toString (detail? := some "Documentation")
let blockStx ← match ← Lean.findDocString? (← getEnv) name with
| none => logWarningAt x m!"No docs found for '{x}'"; pure #[]
| some docs =>
let some ast := MD4Lean.parse docs
| throwErrorAt x "Failed to parse docstring as Markdown"
ast.blocks.mapM (Markdown.blockFromMarkdown · Markdown.strongEmphHeaders)
let blockStx ←
match ← Lean.findDocString? (← getEnv) name with
| none => logWarningAt x m!"No docs found for '{x}'"; pure #[]
| some docs =>
let some ast := MD4Lean.parse docs
| throwErrorAt x "Failed to parse docstring as Markdown"

ast.blocks.mapM (blockFromMarkdownWithLean name)

if Lean.Linter.isDeprecated (← getEnv) name then
logInfoAt x m!"'{x}' is deprecated"
Expand All @@ -735,9 +894,25 @@ def docstring : BlockRoleExpander
let sig := Lean.Widget.tagCodeInfos ctx infos tt
let signature ← some <$> renderTagged none sig ⟨{}, false
pure #[← ``(Verso.Doc.Block.other (Verso.Genre.Manual.Block.docstring $(quote name) $(quote declType) $(quote signature)) #[$blockStx,*])]
let extras ← getExtras declType
pure #[← ``(Verso.Doc.Block.other (Verso.Genre.Manual.Block.docstring $(quote name) $(quote declType) $(quote signature)) #[$blockStx,*, $extras,*])]
| _ => throwError "Expected exactly one positional argument that is a name"
| _, more => throwErrorAt more[0]! "Unexpected block argument"
getExtras (declType : Block.Docstring.DeclType) : DocElabM (Array Term) :=
match declType with
| .structure (isClass := isClass) (constructor := constructor) .. => do
let header := if isClass then "Instance Constructor" else "Constructor"
let sigDesc ←
if let some docs := constructor.docstring? then
let some mdAst := MD4Lean.parse docs
| throwError "Failed to parse docstring as Markdown"
mdAst.blocks.mapM (blockFromMarkdownWithLean
else pure #[]
let sig ← `(Verso.Doc.Block.other (Verso.Genre.Manual.Block.internalSignature $(quote constructor.hlName) none) #[$sigDesc,*])
pure #[← ``(Verso.Doc.Block.other (Verso.Genre.Manual.Block.docstringSection $(quote header)) #[$sig])]
| _ => pure #[]

def Block.optionDocs (name : Name) (defaultValue : Option Highlighted) : Block where
name := `Verso.Genre.Manual.optionDocs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -783,7 +958,7 @@ def optionDocs : BlockRoleExpander x optDecl.declName.toString
let some mdAst := MD4Lean.parse optDecl.descr
| throwErrorAt x "Failed to parse docstring as Markdown"
let contents ← mdAst.blocks.mapM (Markdown.blockFromMarkdown · Markdown.strongEmphHeaders)
let contents ← mdAst.blocks.mapM (blockFromMarkdownWithLean x.getId)
pure #[← ``(Verso.Doc.Block.other (Verso.Genre.Manual.Block.optionDocs $(quote x.getId) $(quote <| highlightDataValue optDecl.defValue)) #[$contents,*])]

| _, more => throwErrorAt more[0]! "Unexpected block argument"
Expand Down

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