Build a website that shows the real-time weather for a location of your choice
the name of the city and its weather are displayed on the page, and that it’s deployed somewhere where evaluators can access the running application.
Free design and free weather APIs
- Display the weather for your current location
- Allow you to choose the city you’re getting the weather from
- Not rely too heavily on client-side frameworks (i.e. Angular, React) or libraries like jQuery
- Be built using JavaScript and node.js
Additionally the site imho should:
- Be accessible
- Be responsive
- Be server-side rendered
- Be progressively enhanced
- Be deployed on Heroku
- Be performant over 3G networks
- Work offline
- have TDD
I first plan the main goals and the addictional goals, then I start to plan my design (look for inspirations), I looks for the api documentation, and I started to work on getting the data from the API itself (that imho was the most important thing). I create a URL and add the right parameter, add the key API.
- Allow you to choose the city you’re getting the weather from
I create in my index.html file a section with a button and an input tags(I used an IDs to be able specifically to select them). I wrapped my button inside a variable and use the preventDefault() function in order to be able to store the city name (or anything else) the user will write in the input tag and be able to use it in my app.js file.
Then I rewrite the variable cityName with the user'input stored and applied it as a parameter in URL. This URL with then be passed as a parameter in the getData() function which is going to fetch the data for us and that will display then this data.
- Display the weather for your current location
I used navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition and once I got the latitudine and the logitude of the current user position I passed those values as parameters in a new URL I created and passed it the fecth API.
- Not rely on client-side frameworks
- Be built using Vanilla JavaScript
- A bit responsive (I don't have a lot of content) - mobile first
In order to make my app responsive I used Media query, which is a CSS technique introduced in CSS3. It uses the @media rule to include a block of CSS properties only if a certain condition is true.
- in the end I refactored a bit the code trying to follow the DRY (do not repeat yourself) principle.
Headline at the top
- Show name's location
- Show local time (and day)
Show Weather: Animated weather image under the headline
The current local temperature will be displayed in celsius (default)
A search box for seacrhing the weather in other locations
extra info current weather
- wind
- humidity
- Forecast weather
Footer for credit and links
- The page ask for access the user's location to update the weather info
- The headline update to reflect the current location
- User can search for the weather's condictions of other locations
- The animated image change depending on the location's weather conditions.
- HTML5 Geolocation
Credit and ispiration:
- Icons made by freepik from flaticon
- openweathermap
- font-awesome