This application was created as student's project in 2020 at Silesian University of Technology. The purpouse of this project was to learn as much as it is possible. The project contains of headless service which can handle managing of simple online shop and example implementation of UI for phtotography shop.
Folow these steps and run it locally:
! To run it docker and docker-compose is reqiured.
- Install docker and docker-compose.
- Clone repository.
git clone
- Execute command to run it.
cd PhotoPlus && docker-compose up --build
Docker Compose will build containers for you and expose on defined ports of localhost.
Backend: localhost:8090
Frontend: localhost:80
PHPAdmin: localhost:8000
For usage on production please remove component adding admin user on start-up.
- Backend:
- Java 11
- Spring Boot
- Hibernate
- Web MVC
- Lombok
- Frontend:
- Angular
- Typescript
- Docker
- Docker-Compose
Both in fronend and in backend we used generic solutions for CRUD operations on database models (entities). User is authenticated with JWT that is genetated during login.
Application provides 4 types of users with different possibilities.
You can read more about some solutions in wiki: