yarn install-all
Then in two terminal windows:
yarn watch
yarn playground
const exampleColumn = [
header: 'Foo',
field: 'foo',
align: 'right',
width: 120,
formatter: 'money',
editor: 'money',
serializer: moneySerializer,
// map the roles/bands to the `DataGrid` data model.
useEffect(() => {
if (!spreadsheetRows?.length) {
// instantiate the grid if necessary.
grid.size(spreadsheetRows.length, columns.length);
// configure the columns
columns.forEach((column, columnIndex) => {
grid.setColumnField(columnIndex, 'key', column.header);
grid.setColumnField(columnIndex, 'field', column.field);
grid.setColumnField(columnIndex, 'serializer', column.serializer);
grid.setColumnField(columnIndex, 'deserializer', column.deserializer);
// configure rows
spreadsheetRows.forEach((row, rowIndex) => {
grid.setRowField(rowIndex, 'key', `band-${row.id}`);
grid.setRowField(rowIndex, 'dataKey', row.id);
grid.setRowField(rowIndex, 'data', row);
// configure blocks
spreadsheetRows.forEach((row, rowIndex) => {
columns.forEach((column, columnIndex) => {
const data = row[column.field as keyof BandsSpreadsheetRowType];
// the key can use the columnIndex, since it won't change for now.
// but the rowIndex might change on sorting,
// so need to use the record id.
const blockKey = `block-${row.id}-${columnIndex}`;
grid.setBlockField(rowIndex, columnIndex, 'key', blockKey);
grid.setBlockField(rowIndex, columnIndex, 'data', data);
}, [grid, spreadsheetRows, columns]);
<ConfiguredDataGrid grid={grid} columns={columns} />