Dyscours is a platform for people of differing viewpoints to get together and discuss “the issues.” These can be political, pop culture, or really anything that is on your mind that you want a place to quickly chat about. A virtual marketplace of ideas, Dyscours is an anonymous but well-regulated platform where all can be heard. Dyscours is structured so that one will feel comfortable to speak from the heart and never feel threatened by others. However, we recommend a 17+ age window because anonymity should be used responsibly. Users can engage in one-on-one, text-based debates with our app, or they can choose to spectate other people debating. Our goal is to promote insightful conversations with the goal of understanding and persuasion.
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Creating a debate
Debates show up in the participate section where other users can click on them.
Debates also show up in the spectate section, where people can choose to view a debate without directly participating in it.
Participants engage in a thoughtful dialog.
Spectators can view the debate, but can't join the fray directly.
When the debate is over, each user is prompted for a rating: these ratings exist to ensure that people are committed to engaging in high quality discourse.