A small, basic demo project to demonstrate the use of multer-gridfs-storage to upload a file and download it.
Read up a little about Gridfs storage here GridFS
npm install
The project accepts a single file as input. You can change the mutler upload function to anything else. The input to retrieve the file name is the original name of the file. You can change this in the file property in storage
GridFS Storage object.
Mocha and Chai have been installed, I haven't added the tests yet. You can use
npm run test
to run tests.
- Add test details
- Add details
npm start
Nothing here for now. If you're interested in taking this further, email me at [email protected]
I use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Kavita Nambissan Ganguli - Initial work - KvNam
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Stack Overflow folks - for all the answers and hints