control the mouse efficiently using the keyboard!
for those who use vi/emacs, screen, vimperator, but still sometimes have to lose time taking the hands of the keyboard to click somewhere, now you can click efficiently anywhere using only the keyboard.
divinding the screen recursively so that it is possible to address any pixels with a logarithm number of keystrokes.
mouse movement, left/right/middle/double click, drag-and-drop.
$ sudo apt-get install freeglut3 freeglut3-dev binutils-gold libxtst-dev
$ git clone git://
$ cd click && make
create a keyboard shortcut that executes click (System->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts)
- '1' to '9': move the mouse
- '0', 'z', space, backspace: go back one level
- enter: left click
- shift+enter: right click
- shift+alt+enter: middle click
- ctrl+shift+enter: left drag
- ctrl+alt+shift+enter: double click
- '!', '[', ']', esc: exit
MIT License (MIT).