Lightweight abstraction of nodejs' Redis Pub/Sub feature. The module consists of a singleton class for the publisher and a subscriber class that can have multiple instances.
$ npm install redis_pubsub
/*** PUB CODE ***/
var Publisher = require('redis-pubsub').Publisher;
var args = {
options :{
channel: 'mainchannel',
host : 'localhost',
port : 6379,
Callback function that will be callede when
the publisher is ready
readyCB : function() {
console.log('Publisher is ready')
var pub = new Publisher(args);
/*** SUB CODE ***/
var Subscriber = require('redis-pubsub').Subscriber;
var args = {
options :{
channel: 'mainchannel',
host : 'localhost',
port : 6379,
Callback function that will be called when
the publisher is ready
readyCB : function() {
console.log('Subscriber is ready')
var sub1 = new Subscriber(args);
var sub2 = new Subscriber(args);
Alternatively you can use the Redis URI
var Subscriber = require('redis-pubsub').Subscriber;
var args = {
options: {
channel: 'mainchannel',
redisURI: 'redis://:password@hostname:port/db_number'
readyCB : function() {
console.log('Subscriber is ready')
/*** PUB CODE ***/
var sub1_id = 1;
var sub2_id = 1;
pub.publish("This is my message for sub1", sub2_id)
pub.publish("This is my message for sub2", sub2_id)
/*** SUB CODE ***/
//Should be 'This is my message for sub1'
//Should be 'This is my message for sub1'
is a singleton Object that has some methods regarding. Connection and message publishing
Initialize the Publicer instance with specific arguments. This can be the following
Argument | Default | Description |
redisURI | null | This option can be used to connect to redis instance via URI. An example is shown in the code above |
readyCB | function() {} | This is the function to be called after the instance is ready |
options | {host: '', port: 6379, channel: 'main'} | The options used when connecting to Redis. Most of them can be found here |
Returns the instance of the Redis client created by the node-redis api
Publish a message to the channel. payload is the data to send in a string. Channel can be either empty, a channel name or a subscriber id. In the first case the message is sent to the channel defined in the initialization, in the second case the message is sent to the arbitary channel name, and in the third case it is sent on the *channel*:*sid*
where channel is the initial channel name and sid the id of the subscriber.
is a class that can be instanciated multiple times in order to create multiple subscribers
The arguments used when constructin a Subscriber object are the same as in Publicer object.
Returns the instance of the Redis client created by the node-redis api
Subscribe to the channel used in the construction of the object. The callback will be called only if a message is published on the id specific channel
Unsubscribe from all channels and terminate the client