Read and write process and automation data in Go from an OPC server for monitoring and data analysis purposes (OPC DA protocol).
go get
client, _ := opc.NewConnection(
"Graybox.Simulator", // ProgId
[]string{"localhost"}, // Nodes
[]string{"numeric.sin.float"}, // Tags
defer client.Close()
browser, _ := opc.CreateBrowser(
"Graybox.Simulator", // ProgId
[]string{"localhost"}, // Nodes
go get
- OPC DA Automation Wrapper 2.02 should be installed on your system (
); the automation wrapper is usually shipped as part of the OPC Core Components of your OPC Server. - You can get the Graybox DA Automation Wrapper here. Follow the installation instruction for this wrapper.
- Depending on whether your OPC server and automation wrapper are 32-bit or 64-bit, set the Go architecture correspondingly:
- For 64-bit OPC servers and wrappers: DLL should be in
, use$ENV:GOARCH="amd64"
- For 32-bit OPC servers and wrappers: DLL should be in
, use$ENV:GOARCH="386"
- For 64-bit OPC servers and wrappers: DLL should be in
- Make sure to have correct DCOM settings on your local and remote computers:
- If you find a bug in the code, please create an issue and suggest a solution how to fix it.
- Issues that are related to connection problems are mostly because of a faulty installation of your OPC automation wrapper or some peculiarties of your specific setup and OPC installation. Since we cannot debug your specific situation, these issues will be directly closed.
- Add
before theopc.NewConnection
call to print more debug-related information.
- Start Graybox Simulator v1.8. This is a free OPC simulation server and require for testing this package. It can be downloaded here.
- If you use the Graybox Simulator, set $GOARCH environment variable to "386", i.e. enter
in Powershell. - Test code with
go test -v
package main
import (
func main() {
client, _ := opc.NewConnection(
"Graybox.Simulator", // ProgId
[]string{"localhost"}, // OPC servers nodes
[]string{"numeric.sin.int64", "numeric.saw.float"}, // slice of OPC tags
defer client.Close()
// read single tag: value, quality, timestamp
// read all added tags
with the following output:
{91 192 2019-06-21 15:23:08 +0000 UTC}
map[numeric.sin.int64:{91 192 2019-06-21 15:23:08 +0000 UTC} numeric.saw.float:{-36.42 192 2019-06-21 15:23:08 +0000 UTC
is a command-line interface to work with OPC servers: list available OPC servers, browse OPC tags on server, and read/write OPC tags. -
Install it with
go install
List OPC servers on a specific node:
$ opc-cli.exe list localhost Found 3 server(s) on 'localhost': Graybox.Simulator.1 INAT TcpIpH1 OPC Server Prosys.OPC.Simulation
Browse OPC tags (in sub-branch):
$ opc-cli.exe browse localhost Graybox.Simulator.1 textual textual - textual.color - textual.number - textual.random - textual.weekday
Write to OPC tag:
$ opc-cli.exe write localhost Graybox.Simulator.1 options.sinfreq 0.01
Read OPC tags:
$ opc-cli.exe read localhost Graybox.Simulator.1 options.sinfreq numeric.sin.float map[options.sinfreq:{0.05 192 2019-06-21 15:26:02 +0000 UTC} numeric.sin.float:{22.916641 192 2019-06-21 15:26:02 +0000 UTC}]
Application to expose OPC tags with a JSON REST API.
Install the app:
go install
Create config file:
[config] allow_write = false allow_add = true allow_remove = true [opc] server = "Graybox.Simulator" nodes = [ "localhost" ] tags = [ "numeric.sin.float", "numeric.saw.float" ]
Run app:
$ opcapi.exe -conf api.conf -addr ":4444"
Access API:
- Get tags:
$ curl.exe -X GET localhost:4444/tags {"numeric.saw.float":-21.41,"numeric.sin.float":62.303356}
- Add tag:
$ curl.exe -X POST -d '["numeric.triangle.float"]' localhost:4444/tag {"result": "created"}
- Remove tag:
$ curl.exe -X DELETE localhost:4444/tag/numeric.triangle.float {"result": "removed"}
- Get tags:
Application to write OPC data directly to InfluxDB.
Install the app:
go install
Create InfluxDB database "test"
Create config file: Put OPC tags in []. This is required for the expression evaluation. Any calculation can be performed that can evaluated.
--- server: "Graybox.Simulator" nodes: ["localhost", ""] monitoring: "" influx: addr: "http://localhost:8086" database: test precision: s measurements: numeric: - tags: {type: sin} fields: {float: "[numeric.sin.float]", int: "[numeric.sin.int32]"} - tags: {type: saw} fields: {float: "[numeric.saw.float]", int: "[numeric.saw.int32]"} - tags: {type: calculation} fields: {float: "[numeric.triangle.float] / [numeric.triangle.int32]"} textual: - tags: {type: color} fields: {text: "[textual.color]", brown: "[textual.color] == 'Brown'"} - tags: {type: weekday} fields: {text: "[textual.weekday]"}
Run app:
opcflux.exe -conf influx.yml -rate 1s
This software package has been developed for and is in production at Kalkfabrik Netstal.