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Pitchfork gen #217

merged 29 commits into from
Mar 11, 2024

Clean up Travis YAML

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Pitchfork gen #217

Clean up Travis YAML
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Travis CI / Travis CI - Branch succeeded Mar 8, 2024 in 8m 59s

Build Passed

The build passed, just like the previous build.


This is a normal build for the pitchfork-gen branch. You should be able to reproduce it by checking out the branch locally.

Jobs and Stages

This build has seven jobs, running in parallel.

Stage 1: test

This stage passed.

Job ENV OS State
1125.1 C++ PROTO_FILES=`find koinos -name '*.proto' && find google -name '*.proto' && find openapiv3 -name '*.proto'` Linux passed
1125.2 Embedded C++ PROTO_FILES=`find koinos -name '*.proto' && find google -name '*.proto' && find openapiv3 -name '*.proto'` Linux passed
1125.3 Golang PROTO_FILES=`find koinos -name '*.proto' && find google -name '*.proto' && find openapiv3 -name '*.proto'` Linux passed
1125.4 AssemblyScript PROTO_FILES=`find koinos -name '*.proto' && find google -name '*.proto' && find openapiv3 -name '*.proto'` Linux passed
1125.5 JavaScript PROTO_FILES=`find koinos -name '*.proto' && find google -name '*.proto' && find openapiv3 -name '*.proto'` Linux passed
1125.6 Python PROTO_FILES=`find koinos -name '*.proto' && find google -name '*.proto' && find openapiv3 -name '*.proto'` Linux passed
1125.7 Protobuf Descriptors PROTO_FILES=`find koinos -name '*.proto' && find google -name '*.proto' && find openapiv3 -name '*.proto'` Linux passed

Build Configuration

Build Option Setting
Language Generic
Operating System Linux (Jammy)
Build Configuration
  "language": "generic",
  "os": [
  "dist": "jammy",
  "addons": {
    "apt": {
      "update": true,
      "packages": [
  "stages": [
      "name": "after_success",
      "if": "type != pull_request"
  "env": [
    "global={:PROTO_FILES=>\"`find koinos -name '*.proto' && find google -name '*.proto' && find openapiv3 -name '*.proto'`\"}"
  "jobs": {
    "include": [
        "name": "C++",
        "env": [
            "DEST_REPO": "koinos-proto-cpp"
        "install": [
          "sudo apt install protobuf-compiler-grpc"
        "script": [
          "mkdir -p build",
          "protoc --experimental_allow_proto3_optional --cpp_out=build --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=`which grpc_cpp_plugin` --grpc_out=build $PROTO_FILES",
          "pushd ${DEST_REPO}",
          "mkdir -p src include",
          "rsync -rvm --include \"*\" --include \"*./\" --delete ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/build/ ./src/",
          "rsync -rvm --include \"*.pb.h\"  --include \"*./\" --delete ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/build/ ./include/",
          "git add src include",
        "name": "Embedded C++",
        "env": [
            "DEST_REPO": "koinos-proto-embedded-cpp"
            "PB_EMBEDDED_CPP_VERSION": "negative-enums"
        "install": [
          "sudo apt install python3.10-venv",
          "git clone --recursive",
          "pushd EmbeddedProto",
          "git checkout $PB_EMBEDDED_CPP_VERSION",
          "./ -e",
        "script": [
          "mkdir -p build",
          "pushd EmbeddedProto",
          "PROTO_FILES=`find ../koinos -type d -name rpc -prune -o -type f -name \"*.proto\" -print`",
          "protoc --experimental_allow_proto3_optional --plugin=protoc-gen-eams --eams_out=../build -I.. $PROTO_FILES",
          "pushd ${DEST_REPO}",
          "mkdir -p libraries/koinos/generated libraries/koinos/src",
          "rsync -rvm --include \"*.h\" --include \"*/\" --exclude \"*\" --exclude \".*/\" --delete ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/build/ ./libraries/proto_embedded/generated/",
          "rsync -rvm --include \"*.h\" --include \"*.cpp\" --include \"*/\" --exclude \"*\" --exclude \".*/\" --delete ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/EmbeddedProto/src/ ./libraries/proto_embedded/src/",
          "git add libraries/koinos",
        "name": "Golang",
        "env": [
            "DEST_REPO": "koinos-proto-golang"
            "PROTOC_GEN_GO_VERSION": "v1.30.0"
            "PROTOC_GEN_GO_GRPC_VERSION": "v1.3.0"
        "install": [
          "go install$PROTOC_GEN_GO_VERSION",
          "go install$PROTOC_GEN_GO_GRPC_VERSION"
        "script": [
          "mkdir -p build",
          "protoc --experimental_allow_proto3_optional --go_out=build/ --plugin=protoc-gen-go-rpc=`go env GOPATH`/bin/protoc-gen-go-rpc --go-grpc_out=build $PROTO_FILES",
          "pushd ${DEST_REPO}",
          "mkdir -p koinos",
          "rsync -rvm --include \"*.pb.go\" --include \"*/\" --exclude \"*\" --exclude \".*/\" --delete ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/build/ ./",
          "go mod tidy",
          "git add .",
        "name": "AssemblyScript",
        "env": [
            "DEST_REPO": "koinos-proto-as"
            "AS_PROTO_VERSION": "1.0.1"
        "install": [
          "yarn add --dev @koinos/as-proto-gen@$AS_PROTO_VERSION",
          "yarn global add @jsdevtools/version-bump-prompt"
        "script": [
          "mkdir -p build",
          "protoc --experimental_allow_proto3_optional --plugin=protoc-gen-as=./node_modules/.bin/as-proto-gen --as_out=build $PROTO_FILES",
          "pushd ${DEST_REPO}",
          "mkdir -p assembly/koinos",
          "rsync -rvm --include \"*.ts\" --include \"*/\" --exclude \"*\" --exclude \".*/\" --delete ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/build/koinos/ ./assembly/koinos",
          "if ! [ -z \"${TRAVIS_TAG}\" ]; then\n  npm version ${TRAVIS_TAG} --git-tag-version false\nfi\n",
          "git add .",
        "name": "JavaScript",
        "env": [
            "DEST_REPO": "koinos-proto-js"
            "PROTOBUFJS_VERSION": "^6.11.3"
        "install": [
          "yarn add --dev protobufjs@$PROTOBUFJS_VERSION",
          "yarn global add @jsdevtools/version-bump-prompt"
        "script": [
          "mkdir -p build",
          "yarn pbjs  --keep-case --target static-module -o build/index.js `find ./koinos -name '*.proto'` `find ./google -name '*.proto'`",
          "yarn pbts -o build/index.d.ts build/index.js",
          "yarn pbjs  --keep-case --target json -o build/index.json `find ./koinos -name '*.proto'` `find ./google -name '*.proto'`",
          "pushd ${DEST_REPO}",
          "cp ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/build/index.js index.js",
          "cp ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/build/index.d.ts index.d.ts",
          "cp ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/build/index.json index.json",
          "git add index.js index.d.ts index.json",
          "if ! [ -z \"${TRAVIS_TAG}\" ]; then\n  npm version ${TRAVIS_TAG} --git-tag-version false\nfi\n",
        "name": "Python",
        "env": [
            "DEST_REPO": "koinos-proto-python"
        "script": [
          "mkdir -p build",
          "protoc --experimental_allow_proto3_optional --python_out=build $PROTO_FILES",
          "pushd ${DEST_REPO}",
          "mkdir -p koinos",
          "rsync -rvm --include \"*\" --include \"*/\" --exclude \"*\" --exclude \".*/\" --delete ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/build/ ./",
          "git add .",
        "name": "Protobuf Descriptors",
        "env": [
            "DEST_REPO": "koinos-proto-descriptors"
        "script": [
          "mkdir -p build",
          "protoc --experimental_allow_proto3_optional --descriptor_set_out=build/koinos_descriptors.pb $PROTO_FILES",
          "pushd ${DEST_REPO}",
          "cp ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/build/koinos_descriptors.pb ./koinos_descriptors.pb",
          "git add koinos_descriptors.pb",
  "before_install": [
    "git config --global ${GITHUB_USER_EMAIL}",
    "git config --global  ${GITHUB_USER_NAME}",
    "git clone https://${GITHUB_USER_TOKEN}${DEST_REPO}.git",
    "pushd $DEST_REPO",
    "if [ \"${TRAVIS_BRANCH}\" != \"master\" ]; then\n  git checkout -b ${TRAVIS_BRANCH}\nfi\n",
  "after_success": [
    "if ! git diff --cached --quiet --exit-code; then\n  git commit -m \"Update for koinos-proto commit ${COMMIT_HASH}\"\n  git push --force https://${GITHUB_USER_TOKEN}${DEST_REPO}.git ${TRAVIS_BRANCH}\nfi\n",
    "if ! [ -z \"${TRAVIS_TAG}\" ]; then\n  git tag -a ${TRAVIS_TAG} -m \"proto tag ${TRAVIS_TAG}\"\n  git push --force https://${GITHUB_USER_TOKEN}${DEST_REPO}.git ${TRAVIS_TAG}\nfi\n"
  "notifications": {
    "slack": [
        "rooms": [
            "secure": "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"
        "on_success": "never"