Client and server synchronization of database tables. This code is for OBJC+CoreData client. For server side you can use this repo.
- Sync client and server database table so client and server both have same values - Class knows how to resolve merge conflicts - if same row is modified on server and client only the newest one will be used - Class in reliable even in low network quality - it automatically detects redundant data/double sent data and fix it - It is easy to send files (e.g. photos) to server - It is possible to easily send nested data together (e.g. News + NewsComment) - With predicates it is possible to filter which rows will be sent to server (You can send only rows which will not change in the near future) - You can easily connect it with custom user athentication systems - you can pass additional POST params in every request to your server - When user will register, server will return all data but next time just rows that have been changedM3Synchronization * syncEntity = [[M3Synchronization alloc] initForClass: @"Car" andContext: context andServerUrl: @"https://yourserver.tld" andServerReceiverScriptName: @"/save.php" andServerFetcherScriptName: @"/get.php" ansSyncedTableFields:@[@"licenceNumber", @"manufacturer", @"model"] andUniqueTableFields:@[@"licenceNumber"]];syncEntity.delegate = self; // delegate should implement onComplete and onError methods syncEntity.additionalPostParamsDictionary = ... // add some POST params to authenticate current user [syncEntity sync];
Feel free to check /Example/ folder where you can find running example of implementation. You can just tweak it a little bit and use with your own project.
How to add to your project:
- Add /M3Synchronization/ (which contains M3Synchronization.h ...) to your project
- Add /Dependencies/AFNetworking/AFNetworking/ (contains AFHttpClient.h ...) to your project if you dont use it already
Click on your project -> build settings -> your target -> Link binary with Libraries and make shure you have included following frameworks:
- CoreData.framework
- Security.framework
On every table you want to sync you have to add some metadata columns:
- isDirty
- timestampModified
- timestampInserted
- remoteId
- is_Deleted (isDeleted is reserved property, sorry)
Dont forget to generate class models again. Your client is ready to go.
Whenever you add new Object to CoreData you have to call: [nsManagedObject markAsJustInserted] or [nsManagedObject markAsDirty] when just modifying data.
I have included some pseudo code in /ServerImplementations/ directory. You dont need a lot to handle server side: 300-500 lines of code should do the work. There are two important files:All you have to do is to rewrite the pseudo code so it'll fit your framework. If you use PHP+Doctrine you just have to tweak the code a little bit and you are ready to GO!
Feel free to ask if you need any help or more detailed instructions about server.
Contact me at [email protected] if you need Android client side. I already developed Android class but have to make it more portable before publishing it. I would be glad to share it with you if you are in need ;)