This project demonstrates how to connect a Flutter application to an Arduino via Bluetooth using the HM-10 module.
This project demonstrates how to connect a Flutter application to an Arduino via Bluetooth using the HM-10 module. The Locker Guessing Game is a unique application where you need to guess a number shown in binary form through LEDs. The twist? You have to speak the number out loud! Utilizing advanced speech recognition, the app captures your spoken response, communicates it to an Arduino device via Bluetooth, and checks if your guess is correct.
- Speech Recognition: Speak your guess and let the app do the rest. No typing needed! Done with speech_to_text
- Bluetooth Communication: Utilizes the flutter_blue_plus library for seamless Bluetooth communication.
- Interactive UI: Visual feedback enhanced with animations using the Lottie library.
You can download and view the project file structure: .
Below is the image of the Arduino circuit used in this project.