This cookiecutter
provides an initial standardized directory layout for
laboratory research experiments; to be adapted as needed.
{{exp-name}} # Experiment-sepcific folder
├── # This file holds daily notes and records for the experiment. This is lab member-specific and
│ # should not be committed to the online repository
├── requirements.txt # Required dependency packages for python notebooks and source code
├── analysis # A directory for jupyter notebooks for R/Python code
├── data # This can be a directory of the raw data or simply links to online repositories where raw
│ │ # data is stored and directories for other types of data (i.e., surveys, etc.) where needed.
│ │ # This can contain any number of subdirectories as needed. The subdirectories used here may
│ │ # not fit all needs
│ │
│ ├── raw # Location for Raw, unaltered data, as collected directly from the experiment
│ │
│ └── processed # Processed, filtered, and/or data post-exclusion criteria, etc. Scripts should be made that
│ # allow this data to be reproduced from the raw data.
├── reports # markdown, LaTeX, and or DOCX files that specify methods, protocols, results, and
│ │ # interpretations, etc., to be added to and compiled into the project's main
│ │ # reports folder
│ │
│ └── figures # Figures generated by analysis/source code
└── src # Finalized source code after notebooks solidify the work flow to be used in
│ # repeatable units
├── data # Scripts for loading and processing data
└── analysis # Notebook code that has been tested and used to auto reproduce figures