Sample project where I showcase my typical code architecture.
Contains a simple project structure with common utilities and services.
Contains the initial project structure and files for a fresh new project.
Version Lens - Shows version information for each package in pubspec.yaml Todo Tree - See all todos in one place Scratchpads - Easily create temp files for various reasons such as pasting a json response to investigate it and make it human readable Pubspec Dependency Search - Go to a package from starting from pubspec.yaml Luna Paint - View and edit images right inside the editor GitLens - Great git integration Folder Templates - Generate folders/files based on templates. We use this to generate each page+cubit skeleton. Templates are located in .fttemplates Error Lens - Show code errors inline Dart build_runner - Run build_runner directly from VS Code
There should always be 0 problems in the VS Code Problems section. We rely on the recommended warnings by the Flutter and Dart team.