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v5.3.0 - 03.02.2022

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@iwilltry42 iwilltry42 released this 03 Feb 12:52
· 335 commits to main since this release

v5.3.0 - 03.02.2022

Note: Now trying to follow a standard scheme defined by


  • new config options to configure extra hosts by @iwilltry42 in #938
  • host pid mode support for k3s-server and k3s-agent by @hlts2 in #929
  • SimpleConfig v1alpha4 by @iwilltry42 in #944
  • add env var LOG_COLORS=[1|true|0|false] to toggle colored log output (enabled by default) by @iwilltry42 in #951
  • Compatibility Tests by @iwilltry42 in #956
  • Volume Shortcuts and k3d-managed volumes by @iwilltry42 in #916
    • Use some destination shortcuts with the --volume/-v flag that k3d automatically expands
      • k3s-storage -> /var/lib/rancher/k3s/storage
      • k3s-manifests -> /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/manifests
      • k3s-manifests-custom -> /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/manifests/custom (not K3s default: this is just some sub-directory inside the auto-deploy manifests directory which will also be parsed)
      • k3s-containerd -> /var/lib/rancher/k3s/agent/etc/containerd/config.toml (use with caution, K3s generates this file!)
      • k3s-containerd-tmpl -> /var/lib/rancher/k3s/agent/etc/containerd/config.toml.tmpl (used by K3s to generate the real config above)
      • k3s-registry-config -> /etc/rancher/k3s/registries.yaml (or just use --registry-config)
    • k3d-managed volumes
      • non-existing named volumes starting with a k3d- prefix will now be created and managed by k3d
  • JSON schema versions in-repo to link to from by @iwilltry42 in #942



  • serverlb should be created before using and restarted unless stopped by @wymli in #948
  • fix typo in node.go by @eltociear in #949
  • mutex on ensureToolsNode to avoid duplicate container name causing error by @iwilltry42 in #952
  • detect '--disable=coredns' and conditionally disable injection by @iwilltry42 in #955
  • invert logic for LOG_LEVEL parsing by @myitcv in #958


  • SimpleConfig API version is now deprecated in favor of


  • unused volume validation functionality in cmd/util, does not affect the CLI (#916)


This release was automatically tested with the following setups:


  • 20.10.5
  • 20.10.12

Expected to Fail with the following versions:

  • <= 20.10.4 (due to runc, see #807)


We test a full cluster lifecycle with different K3s channels, meaning that the following list refers to the current latest version released under the given channel:

  • Channel v1.23
  • Channel v1.22

Expected to Fail with the following versions:

  • <= v1.18 (due to not included, but expected CoreDNS in K3s)

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v5.2.2...v5.3.0