ms2view --raw input.mzML [--pepxml ids.pepxml ...etc...]
ms2view is a simple viewer for tandem mass spectrometry data. It combines an overview of an LC-MS/MS run with display of individual MS1 and MS2 spectra. It can also show and annotate peptide spectral matches based on pepXML or tab-delimited input.
While navigation can be done using a mouse, there is also a set of vim-like keybindings to allow quick navigation via the keyboard. The supported bindings are described below.
Requires the following non-core Perl libraries:
- Gtk3
- Gtk3::SimpleList
- MS
--raw filename
Path to input mzML file (required)
--pepxml filename
Path to input pepXML containing spectral IDS for the corresponding mzML
--ids filename
Path to input tab-separated table containing spectral IDS for the corresponding mzML
Path to Hardklor output file containing peptide features for the corresponding mzML (NOTE: this feature is currently unimplemented)
The following keybindings are enabled:
switch focus between three main canvasesh
move peak selection left and right respectively (if the overview panel is in focus, this will move to the next MS1 scan and load it in the spectrum window)H
zoom canvas out and in on x-axis (zoom centers on currently selected peak)J
zoom canvas out and in on y-axis<number
g> center the canvas at the m/z coordinate given by<number>
save the currently focused canvas as PNG (will prompt for filename)
The following mouse actions are supported on each spectrum canvas:
change the current peak selection. The selected peak will be the one with apex closest to the click point in Euclidean space.shift+left-click
drag to select a window and add an m/z label to the most intense peak in the selected windowctrl+left-click
drag from near the apex of one peak to the apex and another to display an on-screen ruler of the horizontal distance in m/zright-click
drag to move canvas view horizontallyscroll-wheel
change x-axis zoomctrl+scroll-wheel
change y-axis zoom
Please submit bug reports to the issue tracker in the distribution repository.
Jeremy Volkening
Copyright 2014-24 Jeremy Volkening
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see