This repositories contains various development tools. Useful when working with any of the dma-dk repositories.
The script folder contains various small shell scripts to
- Replace license headers in files
- Replace tabs in files
The rootpom folder contains the pom that all dma-dk projects inherit. Whenever updates are made to it. The version is incremented by 1. And a new version of the pom is uploaded to cloudbees (for use by other developers) by invoking
mvn deploy
Use must have ~/.m2/settings.xml
file with your cloudbees username and password before you can use it
Coding conventions are defined by Checkstyle (see section below). The convention on whitespace, text file encoding and line endings is:
- UTF-8 text file encoding
- Tab policy: spaces only
- Indentation size 4 and tab size 8
- LF line endings
The project contains an Eclipse formatter that can be used
Import in Eclipse
Preferences -> Java -> Code Style -> Formatter -> Import
To handle line endings issues between Windows and Linux/Mac it is recommended to configure Eclipse or other IDE to always use LF. In Eclipse:
Preferences -> General -> Workspace -> New text file line delimiter -> Other: Unix
Alternatively Git can be configured to convert line endings on Windows
git config --global core.autocrlf true
Configure IDE to use UTF-8. For Eclipse
Preferences -> General -> Workspace -> Text file encoding -> Other: UTF-8
Checkstyle is a development tool to help programmers write Java code that adheres to a coding standard. Currently all of our projects adheres to the standard we have set up.
The configuration files of checkstyle is located in dma-developers/dma-build-tool/src/main/resources/dma-build-tool and is being built into a single jar file. So can we reference it from other maven projects.
Checkstyle can be run in 2 ways:
At the command line it can be invoked by calling "mvn checkstyle:check". It will fail if there are any violations in the project.
It can also be set up in Eclipse. By following this short guide:
- Install the checkstyle plugin
- Go to Preferences->Checkstyle
- Select New
- Choose External Configuration
- Name = DMA
- Location = the full path to dma-developers/dma-build-tool/src/main/resources/dma-build-tool/checkstyle.xml
- Choose Addition properties and add this property:
name = checkstyle.header.file
value = dma-developers/dma-build-tool/src/main/resources/dma-build-tool/LICENSE.txt
- (Replace the above path with the full correct one)
- Press OK a 3 times
Now right click any project and select Activate Checkstyle
Modifying the checkstyle configuratino is a bit involved. Whenever the checkstyle configuration is updated you need to increment the version by one and deploy it to cloudbees (see the above section on howto). After that you need to update the root pom to point at the new version and upload a new version of the root pom. Finally you need to point all the projects at the new root pom.
Install gpg2 and make key
gpg2 --gen-key
Required maven settings ~/.m2/settings.xml
Make sure that working copy up-to-date and without local modifications, and the current version is a snapshot version.
pom.xml must contain SCM details for the project. E.g.:
<connection>scm:git:[email protected]:dma-dk/dma-commons.git</connection>
<developerConnection>scm:git:[email protected]:dma-dk/dma-commons.git</developerConnection>
<url>[email protected]:dma-enav/e-Navigation.git</url>
When prompted for SCM release tag use: vX.Y
mvn release:clean
mvn release:prepare
mvn release:perform -Darguments=-Dgpg.passphrase=PASSWORD