This plugin was developed with the intent of sending and receiving Program Change messages between the cordova app and attached hardware devices. It currently does not support other MIDI messages or other interfaces, such as virtual I/O. Should that be needed, this plugin may still be a good starting point.
cordova plugin add
is required, and will be linked for you automatically
* Sends a program change to all connected devices
* @param number channelNum
* @param number statusData
* @return void
cordova.MIDISender.sendProgramChange(channelNum, statusData);
* Listens for incoming program change message from all connected sources
* @param function callback Is passed an object containing two properties {channel: <number>, data: <number>}
* @return void
console.log(; // 0-15
console.log(; // 1-128
<feature name="MIDISender">
<param name="ios-package" value="MIDISender" onload="true" />
Debug messages are sent to NSLog
If you're unfamiliar with MIDI, checkout this spec on MIDI messages.