A collection of sample projects and code snippets using OpenNI and the Kinect. Only tested on OSX.
To build using the included makefiles, libOpenNI.dylib must be installed in /usr/lib and the OpenNI includes must be in /usr/include/ni.
To build using the xcode project, you must symlink /usr/include/ni and /usr/lib/libOpenNI.dylib to the appropriate places in your developer install. AFAIK there's not an elegant way to get xcode to use the standard /usr/include and /usr/lib paths. For my installation I ran the following commands:
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libOpenNI.dylib /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk/usr/lib/libOpenNI.dylib
sudo ln -s /usr/include/ni /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk/usr/include/ni
Note that the binaries expect a file named SamplesConfig.xml to be in the present working directory when they are run.
Get OpenNI
git clone git://
Switch to unstable branch (only unstable supports osx atm)
git checkout unstable
Follow the installation instructions in the Readme (they're pretty good)
Get the unstable forked version of the PrimeSense/Sensor module working
git clone git://
Follow the installation instructions in the Readme (they're also pretty good)
Get the PrimeSense NITE binaries here:
Run the install script included with the NITE binaries
sudo ./
Use License code
Download Garry's Mod (Duh) from Steam
Change directories to the GMod directory
cd GMod
Run make install to copy scripts/entities/binary modules to the right places
make install STEAM_USERNAME=yourusername
Build and run the UDPBackend example (sends skeletal data over UDP)
cd ../UDPBackend
make cd .. ./Bin/Release/UDPBackend Note that you must execute UDPBackend with SamplesConfig.xml in the present working directory. So from the base directory of this project, use ./Bin/Release/UDPBackend
Open Garry's Mod and start a new game (multiplayer or singleplayer)
Enable console access from Options->Keyboard->Advanced->Enable Developer Console
Press ~ to open the developer's console
Execute trashmonster script to connect to UDPBackend
lua_openscript trashmonster.lua
Do the calibration pose in front of the Kinect
Modified hoverballs will be placed in positions corresponding to your joints.