For working examples checkout
simple flot plugin to draw bar numbers in bars, simply add
series: {
bars: {
numbers: {
show : boolean or function
If show is a function it will be used to format the numbers inside the bars.
There are other additional options
series: {
bars: {
numbers : {
show : boolean,
xAlign : null or function like function (x) {return x + 0.5;}, (if null, the text is in the middle)
yAlign : null or function like function (y) {return y + 0.5;}, (if null, the text is in the middle)
font : {size : number, style : string, weight : string, family : string, color : string},
rotate : number (representing degrees)
By default numbers will be positioned in the center of the bars, but you can specify a function to override this behaviour. If you have a horizontal bar chart, these 2 functions will switch round the axes they are working on.
This plugin is working well with zooming and panning (navigation plugin) too.
Many thanks to these wonderful people
- pareeohnos
- Oleg Varaksin
- Marc Egea i Sala
- srussking
- Marshall Hallenbeck