#Python/PLY JS parser
A fully-functional JS parser, written in Python and PLY (a LALR compiler-compiler for Python).
It even parses difficult regexpr cases (something that is much more difficult than the ECMAScript
spec implies, as to properly implement it in a regexpr lexical scanner requires manual unrolling
of a conditional grammar loop).
This is based off of an in-house ES6->ES5 compiler, which you can also find on my github repository.
- Python3.x
- PyPLY: http://www.dabeaz.com/ply/
##Basic Usage You can validate JS source files with:
js_cc.py [path-to-file]
Since this is a reference implementation, the parser doesn't actually do anything other than parse JS files into AST trees (see js_ast.py for the AST node types).