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This page describes events logged by Kafunk, organized by the source module.
This module is responsible for providing fault-tolerance for operations on resources, such as sockets, cluster views, etc.
Event | Description |
recovery_failed |
The attempt to recover a resource has failed. |
This module is responsible for creating a request-reply session atop TCP.
Dependencies: Resource
Event | Description |
received_response_was_already_cancelled |
A response was received to a request that was already cancelled due to time out. |
response_decode_exception |
An attempt to decode a TCP frame raised an exception. |
clash_of_the_sessions |
A correlation id of a response did not match a pending request. |
restarting_receive_loop |
The TCP receive loop is being restarted after the connection has been re-established. |
receive_loop_faiure |
An exception was raised in attempting to receive from a TCP connection. This should be followed by a recovery of the TCP connection, per retry policy. |
This module is responsible for the TCP channel to individual Kafka brokers.
Dependencies: Resource
, Kafunk.TcpSession
Event | Description |
tcp_connecting |
A TCP connection is being established. |
tcp_connected |
A TCP connection has been established. |
tcp_connection_timed_out |
The TCP connection attempt timed out. |
tcp_connection_failed |
The TCP connection attempt failed. |
recovering_tcp_connection |
Re-establishing a TCP connection after a clean close or a failure. |
received_empty_buffer |
An empty TCP packet was sent by the remote endpoint, indicating a socket close. Depending on retry policy, will be followed by recovering_tcp_connection . |
receive_failure |
An exception during an attempt to receive from a TCP connection. |
request_timed_out |
A TCP request-reply operation timed out. |
request_exception |
A TCP request-reply operation raised an exception. |
This module is responsible for managing TCP channels for a cluster of Kafka brokers.
Dependencies: Resource
, Kafunk.Chan
Event | Description |
discovered_dns |
DNS entries for a host name have been resolved. |
removing_broker |
A broker channel is being removed. |
connecting_to_bootstrap_brokers |
Establishing connection to the brokers specified in the bootstrap list. |
received_cluster_metadata |
Received a metadata response. |
leaderless_partition_detected |
A partition without a leader was found in cluster metadata. |
refreshing_metadata |
Refreshing cluster metadata. |
received_group_coordinator |
Received group coordinator response. |
broker_request_failed |
A request on a broker channel failed. |
broker_chan_connection_failed |
A connection attempt to a broker has failed. |
channel_response_errored |
A response from a broker channel has a Kafka error code. |
broker_chan_retry_limit_reached |
The retry policy for operations on a broker channel has been exceeded. |
missing_route |
A channel to a broker was not yet established. Will be established as a result. |
recovering_broker_chan_error |
Recovering from a broker channel operation error. |
closing_connection |
Closing the connection. |
This module implements a high-level producer of a Kafka topic.
Dependencies: Resource
, Kafunk.Conn
Event | Description |
fatal_errors |
Non-recoverable errors occurred during a produce request. |
recoverable_errors |
Recoverable errors occurred during a produce request. To be followed be a metadata refresh and a retry, depending on retry policy. |
transient_errors |
Transient errors occurred during a produce request. To be followed by a retry, depending on retry policy. |
fetching_producer_metadata |
Fetching metadata for a topic. |
discovered_topic_partitions |
Topic partition metadata was received. |
produce_process_starting |
A produce process to an individual broker is starting. |
produce_process_stopping |
A produce process is stopping. This typically occurs after a metadata refresh, to be followed by a restart.` |
producer_broker_queue_exception |
A failure in a produce process. A new process will be restarted. |
initializing_producer |
A producer is being initialized. |
closing_producer |
A produce is being closed due to a recoverable failure. It will be restarted, depending on retry policy. |
producer_initialized |
A producer has been initialized. |
This module implements the Kafka group protocol, used most notable by consumer groups.
Dependencies: Resource
, Kafunk.Conn
Event | Description |
leaving_group_to_rejoin |
Leaving a group, to be followed by a re-join. |
leaving_group |
Leaving a group, not to be followed by a re-join. |
group_leave_error |
An error code was returned in response to a request to leave a group. |
starting_heartbeat_process |
A group heartbeat process is starting. |
leaving_group_on_connection_close |
Leaving a group due to the connection being closed. |
heartbeat_error |
An error code was returned in response to a heartbeat request. |
heartbeat_exception |
An exception was raised during a heartbeat request. |
joining_group |
Joining a group for the first time. |
rejoining_group |
Re-joining a group. |
resetting_member_id |
Resetting the member id of the instance because the group no longer accepts it. Will be followed by joining_group . |
joined_group_as_leader |
The member joined the group and was elected the group leader. |
sync_group_error |
An error occurred in attempting the SyncGroup request. |
joined_group_as_follower |
The member joined the group as a followed. |
join_group_error |
An attempt to join a group returned an error code. |
This module implements a high-level consumer of a Kafka topic.
Dependencies: Resource
, Kafunk.Group
, Kafunk.Conn
Event | Description |
leader_determined_member_assignments |
Partition assignments determined by the group leader were received by the consumer instance. |
offset_committ_failed |
An attempt to commit consumer offsets has failed. |
commit_offset_errors |
An attempt to commit consumer offsets returned an error code. |
committed_offsets |
Consumer offsets were committed successfully. |
commit_offset_exception |
An attempt to commit consumer offsets raised an exception. |
fetch_offset_errors |
An attempt to fetch consumer offsets returned errors. |
offsets_not_available_at_group_coordinator |
Consumer offsets were not available at the group coordinator. This means that the consumer is running for the first time, or offsets were deleted per the offset retention policy. |
fetch_response_indicated_stale_metadata |
A fetch response indicated the consumer's cluster metadata is stale. To be followed by a metadata refresh. |
fetch_exception |
An attempt to fetch messages raised an exception. |
offsets_out_of_range |
Offsets requested in a fetch were out of range. This is most often due to messages being deleted per the retention policy. |
stopping_consumer |
The consumer is being stopped as per the configured AutoOffsetReset in response to offsets_out_of_range . |
resuming_fetch_from_committed_offsets |
Resuming the consume process from the last committed offsets. |
resuming_fetch_from_reset_offsets |
Resuming the consumer process from offsets resulting from a reset per AutoOffsetReset . |
cancelling_fetch_process |
The fetch process is stopping. To be followed by a restart. |
starting_fetch_process |
The fetch process is starting. |
fetch_process_stopping |
The fetch process is stopping. To be followed by a restart. |
fetch_process_errored |
The fetch process raised an exception. |
consumer_group_assignment_received |
The consumer instance received partition assignments. |
no_partitions_assigned |
Indicates that no partitions were assigned to this consumer instance. Most likely due to there being more consumer instances than partitions. |
fetched_initial_offsets |
Starting offsets for a consumer have been fetched. |