With my background in outdoor recreation and interest in creating an e-commerence app, I was inspired to create an online store for buying outdoor experiences. The site include a home page, a product page, and a cart.
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Bootstrap, and PayPal Developer Tools
- From the home page users can access an Upcoming Adventures Page
- Each adventure is displayed on a card.
- Clicking on the cart button opens a modal and clicking on the card will bring users to a details page.
- From both the modal and details page users can add the adventure to their cart or return to the upcoming adventures page.
- Once adding items to the cart, users can chose which date, adjust the number of participants, and remove items from their cart entirely.
- This page also displays a subtotal, tax, and total all of which updates as the user makes changes.
Future plans for this project include creating an associated backend, an ability for users to login and save previous payment details, and the ability for admins to login in and create new adventures.
You can find me on LinkedIn