This is a simple Pixi.js template to start building games using ES6/2015.
First of all, this project needs Webpack in the global scope:
npm install webpack -g
Once we have installed webpack just clone this repository:
git clone
And install it:
npm install
Now you can use npm start
or npm run dev
to start watching and compiling files, or npm run build
to create a minified, ready to production file.
This project has just 5 files in the src
folder like a start point.
- plugin.js: Add the plugins what you want to extend pixi. This template use the pixi-animationloop plugin by default.
- index.js: Create the game object.
- config.js: The renderer config, like width, height, etc...
- Game.js: A simple object to manage the basic game things.
- Bunny.js: An extended PIXI.Sprite used like an example.