This project implements a parallel Ball Tree construction algorithm in a Distributed-Memory environment. The implementation focuses on problem decomposition, synchronization concerns, and load balancing to improve performance.
- Clara Gil, Grade: 17/20
- José Brás, Grade: 17/20
- Miguel Barros, Grade: 19/20
The project aims to efficiently construct a Ball Tree data structure in a distributed memory setting. The algorithm splits the point set among available processes, enabling the handling of larger problem instances that do not fit on a single machine.
- Problem decomposition for distributing workload among processes
- Synchronization mechanisms for efficient parallel computation
- Load balancing strategies to optimize performance
The parallel implementation shows significant speedup compared to the sequential version, with a 36% improvement for larger inputs. The speedup scales with the number of processes up to a certain point, after which communication overhead limits further gains.
Clone the repository to your local machine.
Compile the project using the provided Makefile. make
Run the executable with the desired input parameters. mpirun -np <num_processes> ./ball_tree_construction <input_file>
Example: mpirun -np 4 ./ball_tree_construction input_data.txt
- View the output results and performance metrics.
: Main source code file for the Ball Tree construction algorithm.Makefile
: Makefile for compiling the project.input_data.txt
: Sample input data file.
- OpenMPI
- C/C++ compiler
For more details on the project implementation, performance analysis, and algorithm insights, refer to the full report g29report.pdf.