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If you need help with using Narayana, please visit our forums at: or ask a question on our zulip channel (
If you would like to contribute a pull request to help the project out the file contains some guidance on how to do so.
If you have a performance optimization that you would like to suggest to us, please read our document over here:
Although there are no formal guarantees to support this software the team and, we hope, the broader community will make every effort to resolve queries, fix bugs and add agreed upon features as quickly as resources allow. Community fixes and enhancements can only be expected to be considered for merging onto the main branch.
To build this project you will need a JDK (Java Development Kit) with a minimum version of 17 and a Maven with a minimum version specified in the maven wrapper properties file
The commands to do this will vary depending upon which operating system you are building on.
To build Narayana you should call:
./build.[sh|bat] <maven_goals, default is install>
To build Narayana without running tests you can call:
./build.[sh|bat] -DskipTests
If you are building the "community" profile and are using a different maven installation to the one provided by maven wrapper ./mvn
you need to make sure you have the following options:
The distribution is then available in:
The uber jar for the JDK ORB is available here:
The user jar for local JTA is here:
If you just need the facilities provided by ArjunaCore:
If you would like to build an individual module (say arjuna) with its dependencies you would type:
./build.[sh|bat] [clean] install -pl :arjuna -am
Other interesting specific components can be built using:
ArjunaCore: ./build.[sh|bat] -am -pl :arjunacore
NarayanaJTA: ./build.[sh|bat] -am -pl :narayana-jta
NarayanaJTS (idlj): ./build.[sh|bat] -am -pl :narayana-jts-idlj
XTS: ./build.[sh|bat] -am -pl :jboss-xts
STM: ./build.[sh|bat] -am -pl :stm
maven BOM dependency used to encapsulate all the dependencies required by Narayana.
There are three types of tests in the Narayana repository.
Unit tests which are run with maven surefire and they do not need any special setup. Unit tests are run automatically when Narayana is build and if it's not specified otherwise (e.g. with maven flag
) -
Integration tests are run with maven surefire or maven failsafe. They are run with use of the Arquillian and you need to explicitly enable them by activating profile
(maven flag-Parq
). There is a difficulty that each module have different requirements for the integration tests to be run. Most of them requires environmental variableJBOSS_HOME
to be defined and points to an existing directory of WildFly. But some of them requires additional steps for WildFly being configured. The best way to find out details is to check the script which is used to run CI tests. -
Integration qa suite resides in the directory
and contains form of integration tests. These are built but not run automatically. See qa/README.txt for usage. In brevity launching tests is about running commands:cd qa/ ant -f run-tests.xml ci-tests
./build.[sh|bat] -PcodeCoverage (the output is in ${}/coverage.html)
Narayana expect usage of the style of code defined by WildFly checkstyle (maven artifact org.wildfly.checkstyle:wildfly-checkstyle-config).
Because of historical reasons the checkstyle is applied only at newly developed Narayana modules. The old ones are left without strict code style rules. There is only a recommendation to follow code style used in the particular file you edit.
Checkstyle checking is bound to maven install phase and if the file does not comply with the defined rules the compilation fails.
To get your developer life easier use the checkstyle plugins for your IDE
- clone the repo with the checkstyle.xml file
- install checkstyle plugin to your favourite IDE
- IntelliJ IDEA:
- Eclipse:!/
- configure plugin to consume the checkstyle.xml and being applied to the particular module
The WildFly provides a formatter complying with the checkstyle rules. If interested check the IDE configs at project wildfly-core.
Each module contains a set of maven build scripts, which chiefly just inherits and selectively overrides the parent pom.xml Understanding this approach requires some knowledge of maven's inheritance.
Top level maven builds always start from scratch. Individual module builds on the other hand are incremental, such that you may rebuild a single module by traversing into its directory and running 'mvn', but only if you have first built any pre-req modules e.g. via a parent build.
In addition to driving the build of individual modules, the build files in the bundles directories (ArjunaCore, ArjunaJTA, ArjunaJTS) contain steps to assemble the release directory structure, including docs, scripts, config files and other ancillaries. These call each other in some cases, as JTS is largely a superset of JTA and JTA in turn a superset of Core.
3rd party dependency management is done via maven. Note that versions of most 3rd party components are resolved via the WildFly component-matrix pom.xml, even when building standalone releases. The version of WildFly to use is determined by the top level pom.xml
Maven is provided via maven wrapper with command ./mvnw