#Angular Menu 0.2.1#
Build your menus through configuration
.config( function ( menuBuilderProvider ) {
.setDefaultActionHandlerFactory(function actionHandlerFactory(anyRegisteredService1,anyRegisteredService1) {
return function actionHandler( $action, $source, $scope, $itemSourec) {
//some logic
//static item
item1 : {
text : 'Static Text',
action : 'predefined:action',
//dynamic item
item2 : {
/* @return string title*/
text: function( $source, anyRegisteredService1, anyRegisteredServiceN) {
//some logic
return $source.name
disabled : function($source) {
//some logic
return source.someFlag
action : function specialAction( $source, $scope, anyRegisteredService1) {
//some logic
.registerMenuDefinition('menu1', {
// config based on regular definitions
path: 'row' // means 'path.in.scope.to.the.source',
items : [
text : 'Extra inline Item',
action : 'action:name'
.registerMenuDefinition('menu2', {
//menu based on external service,
itemSrc : 'serviceName',
itemDef : {
text : function($source,$itemSource) {
return 'Do ' + $itemSource.name + ' on ' + $source.name;
action : 'action:name'
.registerMenuDefinition('menu3', {
//nested menu example
items : [
text : 'Do something ',
menu : 'menu2' // you can use static or dynamic menus
when you have definitions you can use these in templates
<li ng-repeat="item in items" context-menu="'menu1'">{{ item.name }}</li>
<button popup-menu="'menu2'"> Show menu 2 </button>
<button ng-init"menuName = 'menu3'" popup-menu="menuName"> Show menu 3</button>
- setDefaultActionHandlerFactory( factory : actionHandlerFactory(anyService):actionFactory ) : menuBuilderProvider
- setDefaultItemsProvider( serviceName : string ): menuBuilderProvider // service must have 'get' method default is angular's $injector
- registerMenuDefinition( menuName : string, menuDefinition: object ): menuBuilderProvider
- registerItemDefinition( itemName : string, itemDefinition: object ): menuBuilderProvider
- addItems( definitionsMap : object ): menuBuilderProvider { keyIsItemName : valueIsDefinition }
- text : string or function():string.
- action : string or function():string.
- disable: bool or function():bool
- menu : string menuName
- path : string // path to logical source relative to $scope where menu directive is placed
- items : array of strings(itemNames) on objects(item definitions)
- itemSrc : string : name od items list in default case is serviceName
- itemDef : object : item configuration passed to each item
- $source any value indicated by 'path'
- $itemSource single item from item source
- anyRegisteredServiceN
- universal icons support
- dynamic positioning
- theme
- extra parameters