Example project of combining Spring Boot application with Kafka Streams and parallel-consumer.
Kafka is a great tool, but it is misused in many cases. One of the common pitfalls is slow stages with scale-on-demand requirement. Kafka itself is not very flexible in a subscription model and scaling it; you can see this as good or bad. As an engineer, I want to focus on writing my application using an opinionated framework, simplifying things. That is why I like Spring Boot and Kafka Streams; they provide a broad ecosystem and many tools. All of this is great until you hit the mentioned pitfall with Kafka. This project aims to showcase how to solve it without introducing a different messaging/streaming/queueing tool.
I recommend having a look at introducing-confluent-labs-parallel-consumer-client.
Consumed.with(Serdes.String(), Serdes.String())
) // start stream from input topic
.peek { k, v -> logger.info("in {} {}", k, v) } // do your business logic before slow stage
.to("slow-stage-in") // reroute to stage topic for slow stage
parallelStream.subscribe(listOf("slow-stage-in")) // consume slow stage input topic
parallelStream.react { pc ->
// any slow logic
.flatMap { rs -> rs.bodyToMono<String>() }
.flatMap { body ->
kafkaProducer.send(ProducerRecord("slow-stage-out", pc.key(), body)).toMono() // produce result to slow stage output topic
Consumed.with(Serdes.String(), Serdes.String())
) // continue stream from slow stage output topic
.peek { k, v -> logger.info("out {} {}", k, v) } // do your business logic after slow stage
.to("out") // end stream into output topic