JamDocs is a web interface for Sphinx documentation generator built with Jam.py. It makes it very easy to create intelligent and beautiful documentation.
- One of the following Python version must be installed: 3.5, 3.6, 3.7.
- Sphinx python library must be installed.
- Very simple, in a couple of clicks, adding internal links to other documentation files, inserting images and figures
- Easy creation of external links
- Ability to work with multiple files in adjacent tabs
- Preview changes on the page of the browser with one click.
- Simple addition and removal of files and folders of documentation.
- Automatic synchronization of the application with changes to the files in the documentation directory.
- Download the archive
- Create a new directory and unpack the archive there
- Go into the directory and run the server.py script. You can specify a port as parameter
- In the browser, type in the address bar. If you specified another port, replace 8080 with the port.
- In the dialog that will appear input name of the Sphinx project and a path to conf.py of the project. Click OK button to save data and double-click the project to select it.
This video demonstrates how to set up and use JamDocs.
Andrew Yushev
It was used to create Jam.py framework documentation.