A dictionary app that stores your history, effectively doubling as a vocabulary list.
No login is required. Users are differentiated by a cookie stored during their first visit.
Take your cookie with you to bridge other browsers together. (Look for the link at the bottom of the home page)
Pulls data from the free Merriam-Webster API
back-end: Python, Flask, uWSGI, Redis, lxml
front-end: ReactJS
data-source: Merriam-Webster API (xml)
doc/ # Documentation, including API payloads and RATIONALE for decisions
jsx/ # Edit these jsx files
node_modules/ # Node modules are stored in source control to make deployment easy
RATIONALE.md # Why decisions were made
bin/ # Executable utilities
static/ # JSX files are compiled and output here (Do not edit manually)
templates/ # jinja2 templates
that-word.py # Python script that runs site
word.py # Python class for interacting with dictionary API
Install python3, pip3, and required python modules:
# Build Dependencies
sudo apt-get build-dep -y python3-lxml
# Packages
sudo apt-get install -y redis-server python3 python3-pip python3-setuptools
# Python Modules
pip3 install --user flask livereload requests redis lxml
# Npm libraries (Skip this if /node_modules and package.json are in git)
# See https://babeljs.io/docs/plugins/preset-react/
npm install --save-dev babel-cli babel-preset-react
In development mode:
JavaScript libraries are served from local disk
LiveReload is automatically activated
Code is loaded automatically when it changes
cd whatwasthatword/
python3 whatwasthatword.py
npx babel --presets react --watch jsx/ --out-dir static/
Point your browser to localhost:3956
Commonly Edited Files:
* jsx/that-word.js
* templates/index.jj2
* word.py
* that-word.py
Generated Files (Do Not Edit Manually):
* static/that-word.js
If using in production, configure Nginx
cd whatwasthatword/
vi config/whatwasthatword-nginx.conf # Set the server names you wish to use
cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
sudo ln -s /path/to/whatwasthatword/config/whatwasthatword-nginx.conf
sudo nginx -s reload
The unix socket must readable/writable by both nginx and uwsgi.
The easiest solution is to make sure both nginx and uwsgi run as the same user (www-data).
# Install uwsgi and python3 plugin
sudo apt install uwsgi-core uwsgi-plugin-python3
# Install required python modules system-wide (So www-data can access them)
sudo apt-get install python3-flask python3-livereload python3-redis python3-lxml
# Test uwsgi from the command line running as the www-data user
cd whatwasthatword
sudo uwsgi --plugin=python3 -s /tmp/whatwasthatword.sock --manage-script-name --mount /=wsgi:app --uid www-data --gid www-data
(Work in Progress)
Ideally, you want uWSGI to autostart.
Run via emperor
Either all single or all double quotes in source code
Run over httpS / let's encrypt
Get "share with other browser" to work (livereload showing up)
Assign stripe colors via css ::even to avoid striping errors on delete
Clean Python
Better organization of README
Copy-and-pastable "Share with other browser" link (Currently doesn not allow copy)
Play mp3 inline, instead of it loading a new webpage
return "vietnam" as "Vietnam", but still prefer lower case words if available
Expansion for more info?
Great Favicon
Show that word is being fetched
Autofocus search bar
Optimize padding breakpoint for android phones
Make input bigger on phone
Make speaker display correct size android
When I type "looking" I want results for "look", since that is what api returns
Spellchecker in text box
Clean up the
- tag processing to use the elegance of xpath more coherently
When more than one example per definition, show them all. Example: "snobby"
Remove "as" from the definition of "jack", or find out what it is there for
Make it autoplay the .mp3 for anything you search
Capitalization: when input is "Run", I want the word to display as "run". When word is "greek", display "Greek"
Allow plurals to be singularized and match
Better pronunciation for word "Oedipus"
Get "twirp" to work (twerp works fine)
Fix so that after hitting "back" from listening to mp3, most recent word shows up
Get word "were" to work (definition is buried in the etymology)
Longer cookie expiration