A tool that converts stuff
yarn install
yarn start
Open a browser with CORS disabled, e.g. Chrome on macOS:
/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --disable-web-security --user-data-dir=/tmp/no-cors-user-data-dir
Go to http://localhost:3000/.
Type in example data:
- Hex data: aabbccdd
- Lisk address: 6076671634347365051L
- Weave address: f6cade229408c93a2a8d181d62efce46ff60d210
- Ed25519 pubkey: 0fd9dcc5c02ea0de495987409a6acd8080a712e91bdb8cb6dc20203d6f81877a
- BNS name: alice
- Mnemonic: sense turn maze boost short wagon habit aisle more final social wild spice rookie nominee
- Lisk passphrase: gaze grape mechanic card explain total sphere foam dwarf pact weekend hollow
This repository is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (see NOTICE and LICENSE).