NatNetFour2OSC convert2 the Optitrack NatNet protocoll to Open Sound Control (OSC). It supports all Motive versions.
It provides the following features:
- Sends an OSC Packet from NatNet Packet.
- Receive OSC packets via UDP.
NatNetFour2OSC is licensed under the MIT license.
See License.txt
Usage: NatNetFour2OSC
- --localIP Required. IP address of this machine.
- --motiveIP Required. IP address of the machine Motive is running on.
- --oscSendIP Required. IP-address or URL of the machine OSC data is sent to.
- --oscSendPort Required. receiving port of the machine OSC data is sent to.
- --oscCtrlPort (Default: 65111) local listening port to refetch descriptions.
- --oscMode (Default: max) OSC format (max, isadora, touch, sparck, ambi)
- --mulitCastIP (Default: Multicast IP Motive is sending on.
- --motiveDataPort (Default: 1511) Motives data port
- --motiveCmdPort (Default: 1510) Motives command port
- --frameModulo (Default: 1) Frame reduction: Send every n-th frame
- --dataStreamInfo (Default: 0=off) sends each specified [ms] streaminfo message to the console.
- --sendSkeletons (Default: false) send skeleton data (*)
- --sendMarkerInfo (Default: false) send marker info (position data)
- --sendOtherMarkerInfo (Default: false) send other markers info (position data) (*)
- --yup2zup (Default: false) transform y-up to z-up
- --leftHanded (Default: false) transform right handed to left handed coordinate system
- --matrix (Default: false) calculate and send the transformation matrix
- --invMatrix (Default: false) calculate and send the inverse transformation matrix
- --bundled (Default: false) send the frame message inside an osc bundle
- --autoReconnect (Default: false) reconnect to motive when no data is received
- --verbose (Default: false) verbose mode
- --help Display this help screen.
- --version Display version information.
For all the boolean flags, if you want to set them true you need simply add its name: --flagName. If you want to keep it false, don't add it to the command line.
(*) requires to be enabled in Motives streaming settings
when streaming, the following messages are sent at the beginning of each frame
<timestamp> = <milliSecondsSinceMotiveStarted(float)>
- /frame/start <frameNumber>
- /frame/timestamp <timestamp>
- /frame/timecode <smtp> <subframe>
if OSC MODE = sparck
- /f/s <frameNumber>
- /f/t <timestamp>
upon streaming, the following messages are sent depending on the OSC Mode
(!1) - will only be sent if the CLI --sendMarkerInfo is set (!2) - will only be sent if the CLI --sendSkeletons is set (!3) - will only be sent if the CLI --sendOtherMarkerInfo is set (!4) - will only be sent if the CLI --matrix is set (!5) - will only be sent if the CLI --invMatrix is set
- (!1) /marker <markerID> position <x> <y> <z>
- (!3) /othermarker <markerID> position <x> <y> <z>
- /rigidbody <rigidbodyID> tracked <0/1>
- /rigidbody <rigidbodyID> position <x> <y> <z>
- /rigidbody <rigidbodyID> quat <qx> <qy> <qz> <qw>
- (!4) /rigidbody <rigidbodyID> matrix <m11> <m12> <m13> <m14> <m21> ... <m44>
- (!5) /rigidbody <rigidbodyID> invmatrix <m11> <m12> <m13> <m14> <m21> ... <m44>
- (!2) /skeleton/bone <skleletonName> <boneID> position <x> <y> <z>
- (!2) /skeleton/bone <skleletonName> <boneID> quat <qx> <qy> <qz> <qw>
- (!1) /marker/<markerID>/position <x> <y> <z>
- (!3) /othermarker/<markerID>/position <x> <y> <z>
- /rigidbody/<rigidbodyID>/tracked <0/1>
- /rigidbody/<rigidbodyID>/position <x> <y> <z>
- /rigidbody/<rigidbodyID>/quat <qx> <qy> <qz> <qw>
- (!4) /rigidbody/<rigidbodyID>/matrix <m11> <m12> <m13> <m14> <m21> ... <m44>
- (!5) /rigidbody/<rigidbodyID>/invmatrix <m11> <m12> <m13> <m14> <m21> ... <m44>
- (!2) /skeleton/<skleletonName>/bone/<boneID>/position <x> <y> <z>
- (!2) /skeleton/<skleletonName>/bone/<boneID>/quat <qx> <qy> <qz> \q
- (!1) /marker/<markerID>/position <x> <y> <z>
- (!3) /othermarker/<markerID>/position <x> <y> <z>
- /rigidbody/<rigidbodyID>/tracked <0/1>
- /rigidbody/<rigidbodyID>/transformation <x> <y> <z> <qx> <qy> <qz> <qw>
- (!3) /rigidbody/<rigidbodyID>/matrix <m11> <m12> <m13> <m14> <m21> ... <m44>
- (!4) /rigidbody/<rigidbodyID>/invmatrix <m11> <m12> <m13> <m14> <m21> ... <m44>
- (!2) /skeleton/<skleletonName>/bone/<boneID>/transformation <x> <y> <z> <qx> <qy> <qz> <qw>
the addresses for sparck mode are structured in a way to process them quickly in sparck and are therefore not very human readable.
<datatype> specifies what kind of data follows: 0 = tracked / 1 = marker / 2 = rigidbody
/rb \<rigidbodyID> <datatype = 0> \<0/1>
- (!1) /rb <rigidbodyID> <datatype = 1> <x0> <y0> <z0> <x1> <y1> <z1> ...
/rb \<rigidbodyID> <datatype = 2> \<timestamp> \<x> \<y> \<z> \<qx> \<qy> \<qz> \<qw>
- (!2) /skel <skleletonID> <boneID> <timestamp> <x> <y> <z> <qx> <qy> <qz> <qw>
- (!3) /om <x0> <y0> <z0> <x1> <y1> <z1> ...
(!1) - will only be sent if the CLI --sendMarkerInfo is set (!2) - will only be sent if the CLI --sendSkeletons is set (!3) - will only be sent if the CLI --sendOtherMarkerInfo is set
IF you want to have multiple modes, set the oscmode like "max,isadora" or "isadora,touch" and make sure no space is between the values
At the end of the frame the frameend message is sent
- /frame/end <frameNumber>
if OSC MODE = sparck
- /f/e <frameNumber>
sending following commands to the <OscListeningPort> will pass commands to Motive:
- /motive/remote <command>
See the list of supported commands here.
the script response:
- /motive/remote/response <response>
in case of an error: error numbers
sending following commands to the <OscListeningPort> will change script parameters:
- /script/oscModeSparck (0..1) will start/stop streaming max type messages
- /script/oscModeMax (0..1) will start/stop streaming max type messages
- /script/oscModeIsadora (0..1) will start/stop streaming isadora type messages
- /script/oscModeTouch (0..1) will start/stop streaming touchdesigner type messages
- /script/sendSkeletons (0..1) will start/stop streaming skeleton data
- /script/sendMarkerInfo (0..1) will start/stop streaming marker data
- /script/sendOtherMarkerInfo (0..1) will start/stop streaming other marker data
- /script/verbose (0..1) will start/stop outputing verbose messages
- /script/autoReconnect (0..1) will start/stop auto reconnecting
- /script/zUpAxis (0..1) 1 = will transform to zUp orientation
- /script/leftHanded (0..1) 1 = will transform to left handed orientation
- /script/bundled (0..1) will start/stop bundle the osc messages
- /script/calcMatrix (0..1) 1 = will start/stop calculate the transformation matrix
- /script/calcInvMatrix (0..1) 1 = will start/stop calculate the inverse transformation matrix
sending following command to the <OscListeningPort> will force motive to refetch meta information about the tracked objects:
- /motive/command refetch
will return all command options and all rigidbodies and skeletons currently streaming
- /motive/update/start
- /motive/rigidbody/id <rigidbodyName> <rigidbodyID>
- /motive/skeleton/id <skleletonName> <SkeletonID>
- /motive/skeleton/id/bone <skleletonName> <boneID> <boneName>
- /motive/forceplate/id <serial>
- /motive/forceplate/id/channel <serial> <channelID> <channelName>
- /motive/update/end
This code is based on the NatNet SDK from optitrack ( and includes the dll from SharpOSC (
Open the source folder and build NatNetFour2OSC Project
CommandLine Parser Library. How install the package got here.
SharpOSC. This is a fork from the official repo with a new class that allows "bidirectional" udp connectîons.
I would love to get some feedback. Use the Issue tracker on Github to send bug reports and feature requests, or just if you have something to say about the project. If you have code changes that you would like to have integrated into the main repository, send me a pull request or a patch. I will try my best to integrate them and make sure NatNetThree2OSC improves and matures.