Filtering network packets, extracting SIP sessions by tel. number or session ID value (Call-ID).
Use command argument -h or --help to get usage information.
Usage: java -jar VoIPFilter.jar [args] [input PCAPs ...]
-f, --filter [value] - will set filter string for filtering SIP sessions that match given value
-w, --write [pcap file] - set destination PCAP file where to write filtered packets
[input PCAPs ...] - set input PCAP files which will be used as source of packets
NOTE: This program will work only with libpcap / tcpdump file formats (pcapng is not supported now).
If input PCAP files are not specified, then std.input will be used as source.
If output PCAP file is not set, then std.out will be used to write filtered packets.
1) Example how to read with tcpdump and collect fragmented UDP packets:
tcpdump -r myCapture.pcap -w - 'udp port 5060 or (ip[6:2] & 0x1fff != 0)' | java -jar VoIPFilter.jar -f 0912222333 | tcpdump -r - -w capture-0912222333.pcap
This example shows how to tell VoIPFilter to take input packets from tcpdump and write result ot std.out where another tcpdump will collect and write to destination PCAP file.
2) Example how to merge several PCAP files into one PCAP file:
java -jar VoIPFilter.jar -w merged.pcap myCapture-1.pcap myCapture-2.pcap my-Capture-3.pcap
This example shows simple merging of input PCAPs, since no filter is set.
First specify parameters like --filter and --write, then input PCAP files. If input PCAP files are not specified, then program will assumen as input which is handy if tcpdump program will provide data. If output PCAP file is not specified, then std.out will be used as destination. It allows programs like tcpdump to further accept and filter input packets.
Use -f argument with filter value, and specify input PCAP files.
java -jar VoIPFilter.jar -f 1234 -w only1234.pcap myCapture.pcap
will read input PCAP file myCapture.pcap and filter only SIP packets containing value 1234 in From, To or Call-ID headers. Saved result is in only-1234.pcap file.
Use -f argument with filter value, and read input from tcpdump program.
tcpdump -i eth0 -w - | java -jar VoIPFilter.jar -f 1234 -w only1234.pcap
will read packets provided by tcpdump and filter only SIP packets containing value 1234 in From, To or Call-ID headers. Saved result is in only-1234.pcap file.
Wireshark/tcpdump libpcap format is supported as input to VoIPFilter program.
Other formats like PcapNG are not supported.
Author: [email protected]