Display stock information on your console
You need to install Node.js first, then install the tool globally using this command:
npm install -g pse-tracker-cli
$ npm install -g pse-tracker-cli
$ pse [SYMBOL]
running command...
$ pse --help [COMMAND]
$ pse [SYMBOL]
$ pse --stock=symbol
Philippine Stock Exchange Tracker CLI is licensed under GNU General Public License v3 - https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0
- API from Phisix API
If you love this project please consider to support the development of this command line tracker by means of coffee. Be a sponsor or backer of this project. Just a cup of coffee!
Philippine Stock Exchange Tracker CLI is Developed and Maintained by Ian Vizarra
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/ianvizarra
- Email: ian.vizarra(at)gmail[.]com
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