Please review the following packages before installing:
yay -S --needed chezmoi \
hyprland river sway \
polkit-kde-agent \
fzf fish less bat eza \
foot swayosd-git swayidle wl-clipboard \
waybar-cava hyprpaper swaync \
starship \
swaylock fortune-mod \
qogir-icon-theme \
lexend-fonts-git ttf-firacode-nerd \
nnn-nerd \
git git-lfs lazygit
Setup git-lfs
to download large objects (wallpapers etc.):
git lfs install
Use chezmoi
to apply the config to your home directory:
chezmoi init
chezmoi cd && git lfs pull # if you didn't run `git lfs install`
chezmoi apply