Addressbook app as my submission for the codeworks bootcamp coding assignment
Build a simple address book application using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery.
- It is a single page, that opens in the browser,
- where the user can create new contacts,
- delete contacts,
- and use a search bar to find existing contacts.
- Each contact should have a name, surname, phone number, and address.
- The data doesn’t need to be persisted when the browser page is closed.
- usage of local storage
- edit contacts in a modal dialog
- undo function: restore all contacts from the last delete step (only the last step is restored, function is not persistent over browser refresh)
- sort contacts table by clicking on header (ascending /descending /original order)
- different viewports for different screens + print
- delete/undo from local storage
- undo function
- edit single contacts
- use #confirmedMessage for all messages
- put all functions in script.js
- check/uncheck in liveSearch()
- sort table
- order themed functions
- order css
- remove unused functions/vars...
- merge dev back to master
- add titles to buttons
- responsiveness