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Fundament is a straight forward frontend starter kit. It supports many goodies that help you make better websites or maybe even hybrid apps. Fundament get's out of your way providing you only the basic tooling.


  • ES2015 / ES6 compiler
  • JavaScript module bundler
  • ESLint with desktop error notifications
  • SCSS with autoprefixer and desktop error notifications
  • JavaScript and CSS Sourcemaps
  • Uglifies JavaScript
  • Minifies CSS
  • Browsersync (Live reload + HTTP server for usage across multiple devices)
  • PHP Support
  • Proxy any local Webserver
  • Proxy any remote Website and inject style changes on the fly


npm install


Fundament is utilizing Gulp and provides multiple CLI commands:

Command Description
gulp Executes the default task which points to gulp help
gulp help Just suggests to check this file to see a list of all available commands
gulp eslint Lints all JavaScript located in the directory ./src/scripts/
gulp scripts Lints, bundles, transforms and uglifies your JavaScript using the entry point ./src/scripts/main.js
gulp styles Lints, bundles, transforms and minifies your SCSS using the entry point ./src/styles/main.scss
gulp build Executes the tasks scripts and styles
gulp serve Starts a Browsersync HTTP server and opens a new browser tab with the correct development URL. Watches the filesystem for changes, executes tasks accordingly and live / hot reloads all Browsersync instances.
gulp php-serve Actually the same as gulp serve but with PHP support. Using ./index.php instead of ./index.html as entry point.
gulp local-proxy Behind the scenes gulp php-serve is using PHP's built in webserver and BrowserSync in proxy mode. This command allows you to use any local server together with BrowserSync and your compiled assets. (listens to the argument --proxy https://domain.tld)
gulp remote-proxy Sometimes you may need to work on the styles* of a live published website without the convenience of a development environment. You could use the developer tools of your browser to a certain degree but at some point you just need your SCSS setup with autoprefixing in place ... The solution: Fundament creates your build and injects it on the fly into the proxied production website. You'll see changes immediately. Users wont be disturbed. Once the job is done just deploy your new stylesheet. (listens to the arguments --proxy https://domain.tld and --path /to/stylesheet/that/needs/to/be/replaced.css)

Internal tasks wont be mentioned in the above list.

* Currently only styles are supported.

File Structure

Following file structure describes the most important parts of the project. If you find that any files are missing please draft an issue.

│   .babelrc (Babel configuration only used by the build tool)
│   .editorconfig
│   .eslintrc.yml
│   .gitignore
│   gulpfile.babel.js
│   index.html (a first HTML file that you can modify to suit your needs)
│   index.php (a first PHP file that you can modify to suit your needs)
│   package.json
│   │
│   └───scripts
│   │   │   main.js (JavaScript bundle to use for production)
│   │   │ (JavaScript sourcemap)
│   │
│   └───styles
│       │   main.css (CSS bundle to use for production)
│       │ (CSS sourcemap)
└───src (add any additional HTML or PHP files beneath this directory)
│   │
│   └───scripts (add any additional JavaScript files beneath this directory)
│   │   │   main.js (entry file for your JavaScript bundle)
│   │   │   ... (further structure depends on you)
│   │
│   └───styles (add any additional SCSS files beneath this directory)
│       │   main.scss (entry file for your CSS bundle)
│       │   ... (further structure depends on you)

The directories ./src/scripts/ and ./src/styles/ already include some additional files you don't see in the above file structure. (modules, partials, mixins and variables) These just exist for demonstration / quick start purposes.


If you want to use this for a CMS theme for example you'll probably need to modify some configuration and/or paths. This can be accomplished by editing the file gulpfile.babel.js. You may even provide a router.php file to emulate your CMS's mod_rewrite behaviour. (check out the task init-php-server)

This is what a router.php file might look like.

Since such needs are very individual please understand that i cannot provide any assistance when it comes to altering the base configuration. I suggest you look at Gulp's documentation or the specific node module's one.

Remote Proxy

I thought it may be a good idea to provide an example for this feature so here it is:

gulp remote-proxy --proxy --path blog.css

Your browser will open http://localhost:3000 and it will look just like the original Now navigate to Getting started / Examples and open up the Blog Example.*

As you can see it is not really looking familiar. That's because the stylesheet blog.css has been replaced with ./dist/styles/main.css. Now please go ahead and edit the styles under ./src/styles. You'll see that on each save your changes will be reflected almost instantly in the browser.

* You might as well navigate directly to http://localhost:3000/examples/blog/


A straight forward frontend starter kit.







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