Notable changes
Explicitly set cache control header in all API responses.
Add support for CockroachDB 19.1.
Add tournament start active timestamp to the API response.
Add overridable expiry time when listing leaderboard/tournaments records.
Tournament start time can be set to past time.
Update GRPC (1.21.1), GRPC-Gateway (1.9.2), Protobuf (1.3.1), Mux (1.7.2), and OpenCensus (0.22.0) dependencies.
Use Go 1.12.6 as base Docker container image and native builds.
Move from dep to Go modules for dependency management.
Switch database driver from pq to pgx.
Update devconsole handlebars (4.1.2) and js-yaml (3.13.1) dependencies.
Update community link in console sidebar.
Fix delayed first time invocation of tournament and leaderboard callbacks.
Expired tournaments will no longer be listed nor any records will be returned.
Unlink device identifiers on console user account details page.
Add missing index drop on migrate down.
Handle query and parameter resets on wallet update retries.
Reset list of friend IDs in Facebook import when retrying the operation.
Reset notifications in friend add when retrying the operation.
Do not return storage list cursor unless there are further objects.
Attempt fast user and storage count on partitioned tables in console API.
You can’t perform that action at this time.