💻 My current setup: vscode, tmux, alacritty, zsh
🚀 I like the backend side of the force, specially using Go and Rust.
🔥 Latest things I've been working on:
- ⭐ Advent Of Code 2024 - Trying to resolve 2024 challenge using Go.
- Advent Of Code 2023 - Trying to resolve 2023 challenge using Python.
- Advent Of Code 2022 - Trying to resolve 2022 challenge using Rust.
- Sonarqube PR Issues - A simple bot that request code review in your PRs using Sonarqube data.
- Nushell - I've been helping there in the completions area.
- Transmission RSS - Read torrent RSS and publish the new entries to Transmission.
- MKV Seat - Simple project that uses mkvextract to extract subtitles from videos.
- Go Cover Treemap - Pretty cool project to generate code coverage SVG. I helped a bit with filtering by directories.
- Redis Monitor Prometheus - Export redis queries to prometheus.
- NordVPN - Simple library to fetch NordVPN servers.
- Gitlab Registry GC - Old project where I made some sort of garbage collector for Gitlab Registry. At that point we needed to manually delete the docker images from there.