Disk Usage
Collect file information from directory recursive and show top usage.
- Largest directories by size.
- Directories by count of files.
- Largest files
- Oldest files
Can create Excel File with collected information. Can create HTML File with sunburst representation (limited to 100).
./diskusage.py -h
usage: diskusage.py [-h] [-t TOP] [-w WRITECSV] [-r READCSV] [-x XLSX]
[-s HTML] [-p]
positional arguments:
directoy Directory to analyze. Default, current dir.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TOP, --top TOP Show the top <n> entries.
-w WRITECSV, --writecsv WRITECSV
Write dataframe to CSV file
-r READCSV, --readcsv READCSV
Read dataframe from CSV file. Don't scan directory
-x XLSX, --xlsx XLSX Create Excel file.
-s HTML, --html HTML Create HTML file with sunburst animation.
-p, --progress show progress animation.
./PycharmProjects/diskusage/diskusage.py -w x.csv -s x.html -x x.xlsx -t 4 /usr
Directory (notempty) sizes from /usr
Scanning took 0.37416335 seconds
Errors during collection: 0
Files analyzed: 24514
Total size: 1.306644344702363 GB
Top 4 directories by size:
Directory Filecount Size(MB)
----------------------- ----------- ----------
/usr/bin 1086 249.72
/usr/libexec 269 189.95
/usr/sbin 228 113.45
/usr/share/tokenizer/ja 5 111.96
Top 4 directories by count of files:
Directory Filecount Size(MB)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ----------
/usr/libexec/firmwarecheckers/eficheck/EFIAllowListShipping.bundle/allowlists 2453 1.97
/usr/share/man/man1 1854 49.18
/usr/share/zsh/5.8/functions 1162 4
/usr/bin 1086 249.72
Largest files:
realpath Size(MB) mtime
---------------------------------- ---------- ----------
/usr/share/tokenizer/ja/matrix.bin 68.46 01.01.2020
/usr/share/tokenizer/ja/sys.dic 43.25 01.01.2020
/usr/libexec/apache2/libphp7.so 31.21 01.01.2020
/usr/share/icu/icudt66l.dat 28.75 01.01.2020
Oldest files (mtime):
realpath Size(MB) mtime
-------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
/usr/local/aws-cli/botocore/data/personalize/debug_debug 0 01.01.1970
/usr/local/aws-cli/botocore/data/emr/debug_debug 0 01.01.1970
/usr/local/aws-cli/botocore/data/sesv2/debug_debug 0 01.01.1970
/usr/debug_debug 0 01.01.1970
Remark Count
0 Scanned Directory /usr
1 Count Directories 1856
2 Count Files 24514
3 Total Size (GB) 1.31
4 Collection Errors 0
5 Creation Time 2020-12-23T17:25:45.384805
Creating Excel File - Sheet: Summary - BySize - ByFilecount- LargeFiles - OldFiles - SunburstData - RawData 9.827475689 seconds.
Creating HTML file. 0.4460548529999997 seconds.
- Python 3.6
- numpy
- Pandas
- plotly with plotly.express (express included with 4.14)
- tabulate
- xlsxwrit