Burning Router is a project of THU Computer Organization & Theroy of Computer Network course united experiment.
The verilog part is designed for 'Thinrouter', a experimental device designed for the aim of teaching. It runs with Artix-7 FPGA, KSZ8795 switch chip, IS61LV25616 SRAM and an UART series controller. The hardware design should be synthesized, implemented and generated into bitstream by Vivado 2018.3.
The C++ and C part is designed for our CPU and bus with designed MMIO addresses. Programs are compiled into simple MIPS and run upon our own CPU.
: main verilog files for router and CPU. Some files are inherited from legacy Computer Organization project template (See This Respository)thinpad_top.srcs/sim_1/new
: simulation files testing CPU, router data path, harware route table, etc.thinpad_top.srcs/sim_1/new/interface-example
(see branch 'myrouter.2'): softwares on CPU testing soft-hard interfacethinpad_top.srcs/sim_1/new/lookup-test-generator
: router table test cases generatorthinpad_top.srcs/sim_1/new/machine-code-generator
(see branch 'myrouter.2'): RIP programs and other network programs working on MIPS CPU. They were simply written for testing, and were not the actual programs running on CPU.
: backups of generated bitstreams and ila config
第六章 学术不端、违反学习纪律的行为与处分
第二十一条 有下列违反课程学习纪律情形之一的,给予警告以上、留校察看以下处分:
- Chen Zhang
- Xingyu Xie
- Wenhou Sun