This project lets you analyze WhatsApp chats by printing different statistics and rankings, like who sent the most messages, which day was most active, and many more.
The code is only intended for a German WhatsApp chat history (due to the meta messages), that was exported on Android (due to the time format). For other languages and operating systems, the parsing needs to be adopted to the language and the time format.
See python3 -h
for a list of statistics that can be shown:
usage: [-h] [-td] [-dwm] [-tm] [-tw] [-tl] [-ur] [-wr SEARCH_TERM]
[-mr] [-dmr] [-mt] [-mw] [-lc] [-wc] [-sr] [-mm] [-fd] [-dr]
[-mme] [-hr] [-lm]
positional arguments:
file file to parse
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-td, --total-days print total number of days
-dwm, --days-without-messages
print number of days without messages
-tm, --total-messages
print how many messags there are in total
-tw, --total-words print how many words there are in total
-tl, --total-letters print how many letters there are in total
-ur, --user-ranking print a ranking of users who sent the most messages
-wr SEARCH_TERM, --word-ranking SEARCH_TERM
print a ranking of users who sent the most messages
that contain a specified word or phrase
-mr, --medias-ranking
print a ranking of users who sent the most media
-dmr, --deleted-messages-ranking
print a ranking of users who sent the most deleted
-mt, --messages-by-time
print how many messages were sent during each hour of
the day
-mw, --messages-by-weekday
print how many messages were sent for each day of the
-lc, --letter-count print a ranking of how often each letter is used
-wc, --word-count print a ranking of how often each word is used
-sr, --securitynumber-ranking
print a ranking of users who changed their WhatsApp
security number most often
-mm, --meta-messages print all meta messages
-fd, --first-digit-distribution
print a ranking of which digit (1-9) is most often the
very first digit of a number
-dr, --day-ranking print a ranking of days, on which the most messages
were sent
-mme, --most-mentions
print a ranking of users who get @-mentioned most
-hr, --hashtag-ranking
print a ranking of the most used hashtags
-lm, --longest-message
print the longest message
To get a text file of your WhatsApp chat, follow these instructions. Export without media.