Simple app with a list with some characters from Marvel populated on a recyclerview. Every item show its description, if it have, and a button to see it's detail. On the character's detail screen the user is able to fetch 4 different types of information according each character's information.
- Dagger Hilt: For dependency injection.
- Coroutines: To retrieve data from API rest outside the UI Thread.
- LiveData: According observer pattern used to get noticed changes from view models on the views.
- Picasso: Retrieve the images from an URL.
- Retrofit: Rest Client for HTTP requests.
- OkHttp3: Used to create a OkHttpClient with some custom properties.
- Moshi: JSON serialization/deserialization
- Architecture Components:
- Navigation: Used single activity with two fragments. Flow between fragments through navigation.
- SafeArgs: For passing parameters through fragments using navigation.
- ViewBinding: Linking the layouts with the views.
- ViewModels: At the presentation layer.
- Paging: To handle the list pagination.
- JUnit: On the unit tests execution.
- Mockito: To mock instances on unit test processing.
- Used clean architecture with a modularized project.
This repository does not include an API Keys to use the Marvel API Rest. So it's necessary add these keys on the project for its correct work.
Set the following lines on the file in your local project once you have downloaded this project:
- MARVEL_API_PUBLIC_KEY=Your Marvel API public key
- MARVEL_API_PRIVATE_KEY=Your Marvel API private key