A lightweight stream-like maybe/orElse lib for optional values. maybe(val).valueOr(other)
grant you no unexpected undefined and hence allows you to write you TS-code in a more fluid way, skipping some of those if-else nestings.
Maybe also provides some useful filters and chaining into object structures ie
const myObject = {
prop: 1,
complex: {
sub: 'ABC',
list: [1, 2, 3],
subComplex: { type: 'noType', other: 21, },
maybe(myObject).valueOr((undefined as unknown) as typeof myObject); // => myObject
maybe(undefined as any).valueOr(myObject); // => myObject
maybe(myObject).mapTo('prop').valueOr(0); // => 1
.map((it) => ((it.sub = 'DEF'), it))
.valueOr('null'); // => 'DEF'
.map((it) => it.reduce((cur: number, next: number) => (cur += next), 0))
.valueOr(0); // => 6
.nothingIf((it) => it === 21)
.valueOr(0); // => 0
We strive to use a semantic version regime on this lib. From a clean git status do
> npm version [ major | minor | patch | premajor | preminor | prepatch | prerelease ]
> git push && git push --follow-tags
and then publish a new version
npm publish